[LCN] Raid Tier Adjustment for Aug 30, 2018

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Gravedigger

    Gravedigger New Member

    30 cap is Total BS part of a raid group we have a bunch of people waiting to join raids when before we have a lot of folks helping in raids
    We do a good job on keeping campers out but this cap is hurting us
    what the point of all the work my admin do in raids make sure people help out in raids but cap sucks thinking of sending KANO bags full of bottle caps
    I can use my money to play golf instead if this cap isn't fixed
    Drops the Mic.

    Not happy Mob Wars LCN Player
    [Beer] GraveDigger RnB
  2. Crazy Inuit

    Crazy Inuit Member

    while the max of raids to join is a good thing to limit the campers, its on the other hand slowing those of us who likes to do a lot of raids down. On the sunny side, I save a lot of fvps ;)
    Kirsten likes this.
  3. Cowboy

    Cowboy New Member

    Usually I do 20M on 70% of my raid and anywhere from 30-100 on the other 30% but most are between 30 and 50M The 100M is only when the raid is running out of time
    I hate this cap
    I am 40-50 raids behind because of it.
    Zoe Alleyne and Kirsten like this.
  4. Farqu

    Farqu Member

    Btw love the Oprah move ... you get a set of keys, and you get a set of keys and hey you there have a set of keys.. everyone gets a set of keys YAY party

    Everyone opens a raid and no one can help them because of the cap! Awesome NOT!!
  5. Miles

    Miles Member

    Its called creative accountancy !! where they think by having heaps more raids it will make the figures look good ,but looking at public raids posted and a lot of private raids there are heaps thats going to fail because there isnt anyone to join thats not blocked by there stupid 30 limit and if there is anyone left they are newbies that are going to do SFA ...good one Kano ..not
  6. Steven Jordan

    Steven Jordan Active Member

    Players need to adapt to changes. In Viking and Pirate people were joining every posted aid and doing squat. Maybe the cap should be 40 or 50 instead of 30 but in principle not a bad idea.
    HJM likes this.
  7. FancyPants

    FancyPants Active Member

    I still think if there is a cap, it needs to be based on raids where the player hasn't reached min actions. I also think min actions needs adjusting. I know you did away with tiers as far as limiting how many of each level grouping could join a raid, but perhaps tiers still make sense as far as setting mins.

    T1 = 2K actions (incl 1K heals)
    T2 = 4K actions (incl 2K heals)
    T3 = 6K actions (incl 3K heals)

    This is more inline with what players should be capable of doing at those levels.

    You'll still get blockers -- players who do 1 action just to take a spot and have no intention of doing more. But they'll be restricted by the cap as they won't have met mins.

    You'll still get campers -- players who do 1 action just to save a spot and wait to see how the raid progresses before doing more. But they'll be restricted by the cap as they won't have met mins. And they might check in more often to get their mins in as they can't keep joining an unlimited amount of raids.

    You may get the same amount of slackers -- players who do the bare minimum regardless of their level, who rarely go above as they are content with the common/superior chance drop. *BUT* these players will have to contribute significantly more to the raid based on their level. No more level 10K pluses doing 1,000 1 stamina attacks with 500 20 energy heals. (And there's a good dozen of these players.)

    What will also happen is:
    • The prolific raid players won't be negatively impacted. They can join more raids, help more players.
    • The newbies & lower levels won't be negatively impacted. They will still have the 2K limit and now will be included in more raids, and have time to do their mins as the bigger players won't need to free up room in their cap while waiting on a little.

    Yes, it's more complicated to program, and it won't be done in time for this raid season, but you need to look at each game and each platform separately and figure out what works best. A straight 30 cap on uncollected is not working in LCN Server 1.

  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    THERE should Be NO Cap in PC or VC and I can see also none in LCN, wrong move , wrong move I can do close to 200 raids, in PC including my 5 or 6 , and at any given moment I can be on 50 to 80 at one time, so I will be saving FP's and money if this continues even into next weeks VC raid, I may not do as many as in PC but I do enough and open 5 of my own, that are kept private.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
  9. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    I think you received enough feedback on this KANO. Two steps forward with removing tiers, than five steps backwards with adding the cap.
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We definitely appreciate the feedback on the Raid cap and I'll share it with the rest of the team, but we are looking at all facets of this.

    Currently, our data for the metrics we track is looking good. We will of course be keeping an eye on this as the event progresses, but so far things are heading in the right direction, numbers wise.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    well Ok then I will not have to spend anything then for the VC and PC raids , works for me :)
  12. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    What facets are you looking at? And what numbers are heading in the right direction? Participation? More people finishing off raids to get out from under a cap?
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Facets being forum and Support sentiment around that as well as internal data.

    Participation, summoned Raids, total joins, unique joins (i.e are more players joining Raids or is it just the same people), Raids killed, all of that is what we are tracking and all of that looks positive.
    Dollerz likes this.
  14. FancyPants

    FancyPants Active Member

    Respectfully, "summoned Raids, total joins, unique joins" are meaningless unless it correlates into an increase of # of successful raids completed. And summoned Raids" is influenced greatly by giving out a set of free raid keys.
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I did mention that "Raids Killed" is a metric we're tracking, which would be successfully completed Raids. Free Raid keys would influence it to a degree, for sure, but it is only one free set per person who collects.
  16. FancyPants

    FancyPants Active Member

    In conjunction though, not only as its own stat. If there's a huge increase in summoned raids but not a similar % boost in completed raids -- is that a success?
  17. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    Raids are going down too quickly because of the caps. I am not going to spend money just because I now have to rush. We had organized systems in-place. The people who are going to be hurt the most is the lower levels because they certainly cannot keep up and we (our private raid group - the BIGEST one) are not liking this one bit - we made sure our raids were full and we gave tier ones time to get in. NOW it's just a friggin' free-for-all because of these caps!!
    FancyPants, Zoe Alleyne and Kirsten like this.
  18. Steven Jordan

    Steven Jordan Active Member

    There still are 2 days and 18 hours remaining in first summoned raids. Cant draw any conclusions yet.

    Have to wait to see kill percentage at the end of raid session to make a meaningful analysis.

    I notice the kill leader on FB/SERVER 1 has over 70 kills already and second place has 50. Will be interesting to see the final tallies.
  19. Steven Jordan

    Steven Jordan Active Member

    There should be a minimum stamina and energy requirement to join raids. Players with less than 500 each of stamina and energy shouldn't be allowed to join. They should be able to hit the minimums with the use of their free refills immediately or they really aren't developed enough to properly participate.

    I support removing caps from completed but uncollected raids. Amend the cap to allow a player to add an additional raid for every two raids that they meet minimum. At the same time, for players over level 2,000 increase the minimum actions to match the players level. Cap the minimum at 7,500 or 10,000.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2018
  20. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    It doesn't cost one anything to be kind and consider others - s'why I am in the raid group I am in and that's how they became the biggest. We all asked tiers be adjusted, not eliminated. Kano went extreme and eliminated tiers and capped "active" raids. Now, eliminated tiers may or may or not be a bad thing, but the cap throws a monkey wrench into the whole works!
    FancyPants and Kirsten like this.

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