There's also a difference between strict rule'd games and laid back type games.
Bob tried to combat the scripts but they kept flowing in so to combat them he implemented a daily action limiter. Also, the game is 10 years old. I am actually surprised it stayed that long as clicky games tend to last 2-3 years. Bob managed to pull a decently fun laid back non-strict game.
As LCN is strict, the game is mainly going to get backlash from the original MW community as they use alts to help themselves level, send gifts, etc.
I, myself used an alt to keep myself a level 134 in the original MW. But I don't think there's 'negative XP' in this game which is forcing me to actually level past 134 where I would like to camp out at and bully low level players once in a while.
Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
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