TGIF! Development News for June 1, 2018

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. Mabel

    Mabel New Member

    Additionally, you no longer have to pay Cash/Gold to remove someone from your Mob, Clan or Squad. In addition to this, we’ve also enabled the ability to Batch Delete from your Mob/Clan/Squad. If you want to do some Spring cleaning, go nuts. Free of charge!

    This is NOT working today.. it still costs to remove mob.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2018
  2. Kat Tyrrell

    Kat Tyrrell New Member

    I just removed someone and it cost me. I thought it was free? "Deleting this Mobster will cost you $953,750 and will remove them from your mob. You will have to re-invite them to get them back into your Mob."
  3. Mabel

    Mabel New Member

    Same Torchwood -- it is NOT working. Still costs money.
  4. rushnhoney

    rushnhoney New Member

    upload_2018-6-2_8-6-6.png Same here. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hmm, I am having a developer look into the Cash issue, hang tight!

    Also as for the Pawn Shop, it mostly works really well for ZS because of the small Squad size compared to the other games. Unless your account has a huge backlog of Limited items, you might not see anything.

    But if you use the inventory filters to change your items to be sorted "Low to High" and set it to "Limited Items", if there's anything you can trade in it will show up that way. Another interface might be handy, but that doesn't exist at this time.
  6. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Well this is embarrassing. It looks like the change to get rid of the cost for removing Clan/Mob/Squad did not roll out properly.

    This has now been fixed. Sincere apologies. It was like saying you are going to get a puppy for Christmas but all you got was an empty box :(
    mi7ch likes this.
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey, we had similar Christmases!
    Patricia Tuohy and Smack like this.
  8. ah that explains it then as i'm only Joined 785 days but thank you for replying x
  9. everything is all good and thanks for the update and fix x
    mi7ch likes this.
  10. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    A new location is a complete surprise, but highly appreciated :)

    Here is the usual posting though since still no reply as of yet -
    The challenge achievements for PC are, on the high end, completely unreasonable due to the amount of time required to actually unlock all of them. It was stated in the past they would get looked at again but still to this day nothing has been changed with no word regarding this topic since a few days after initial launch date.
    Justin the killer likes this.
  11. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    That's the plan! We've adjusted the power increase between Crate releases to account for the new schedule, but we're open to adjusting as needed.

    One of my goals this year was to have more Locations release than usual, so hopefully we can keep this up!

    And yes, I've seen those posts, but don't really have any update on it. Achievements are a tricky proposition for a few reasons. I can maybe get some intermediary ones slotted in there rather than re-balancing it? Just a thought.
    FancyPants and neill1990 like this.
  12. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    Most of the achievements released are not that bad in terms of scaling since they are lvl bound. In the original thread have gone in depth about each category and the thoughts on them for how balanced they are.

    The main one that has a problem is challenge achievements. This is due to the sheer amount of time required to obtain the last achievement. LCN and ZS have a high amount but is completely feasible to obtain. In VC it is a bit unreasonable at 7500 from a time perspective but then we come to PC with 15k. If there is a reconstruction that would make the time required come down to a more reasonable amount that would work perfect but i doubt there is going to be a revamp in the challenges anytime soon due to the complexity that would require.

    I have a few ideas for how it could potentially be revamped but still would require a fair amount of testing to see if they hold up. One would be time based scaling. player chooses time to complete a challenge less but payouts scale down accordingly or a player chooses to have a standard time with higher payouts. The problem i see with this is payouts both during and the end for fp and drop items would be a bit messed up and would need overbalancing. Essentially making this type of re balance for challenges a big endeavor to solidify. I have other methods i could think of but they come down to the core problem of items obtained through the challenge potentially needing a re balance which would take a large amount of time to properly balance with the rest of the game.

    as highlighted here in a previous post breaking down the challenges inside of PC and VC it shows the time problem im trying to convey and how unfeasible it is for a player to obtain. Even including the 7 challenges that are month specific (monthly, weekend and weekday) it wouldnt change the numbers to back in the grand scheme of it all. factoring those 7 in it would, for PC equate to a 12 10 month minimum time to achieve it. (only doing first challenge 3 times a day and monthly/weekly).

    Instead of including a breakdown of time required again, i think it would be best to show the world leaderboard and their challenge completed stats per server and game for the top 10 players. (not going to embed them since it would take a massive amount of space on the post, will just link to)-

    SERVER 1:

    SERVER 2:


    Even though kong is the youngest server they are still comparable in total challenges completed to the others, but remember this is only the top 10 of players across all games and platforms. As the ranking goes further down the lower the numbers get and relatively quick. I still firmly believe that a good number for the top would be 3000. Due to there being a couple people above that total number though, you want to reward them for their hard work which i completely understand. A way of still rewarding them for their achievement could be after finishing the top tier achievement they are capable of earning them again. With the second time around swapping the SP out for FP equivalent. So say there is 10 SP rewarded on one then they instead would get 10 FP, this would be stacked on top of the already existing FP if any is being given for reaching that goal. Then as time goes on and more achievement tiers need to be implemented, you put them ahead of the current available.
  13. For PC, Ships are the primary items available to turn in. If an older Limited's stats are under the 250/250 range for attk/def, you're likely able to trade in because you should have surpassed that with a bottom base of Elite SwellRiders. And with only a need for 2k of them, it mirrors mi7ch's ZS small squad size example.

    Thanks for the change, very fair to offer something in exchange for outdated buys.
  14. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    VC on FB is broke, 1/2 pages (cannot scroll down) not only one, started under 1 hour ago.
  15. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Facebook had some issues with their SDK from about 5-6:30pm Pacific today. That is what you were experiencing. Everything should be back to normal know but please let us know otherwise.
  16. Sandy Barrows

    Sandy Barrows Active Member

    Can I raise this yet again - why are we the poor relations for syndicate rewards on server 2 - we are an a team and scored 20th - no rewards — this is ridiculous on server 1 an A team scored 87th and got rewards - I seriously think this must be an oversight by the Devs - Can i please have some feedback on this ?
    Farqu likes this.
  17. Steven Jordan

    Steven Jordan Active Member

    From what I understand, the rewards threshold is a percentage of the number of syndicates entered in a division. If server 1/Facebook has a lot more syndicates entered than server 2 or Kong, then more with get rewards. The percentage of syndicates getting the rewards is the same however
    mi7ch likes this.
  18. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yes, Steve is correct. The number of reward slots are dependent on total overall participants. More participants = more reward slots , conversely fewer participants = fewer reward slots. But it's the same percent either way.
  19. Sandy Barrows

    Sandy Barrows Active Member

    It sucks - we worked really hard and spent massively on refills top 15 ia a minimum spend for you guys - no encouragement to enter
  20. Sandy Barrows

    Sandy Barrows Active Member

    Its not in my remit to gauge the number of players on server 2 - why should we be penalised it would cost you zilch to reward top 20 this is grossly wrong
    How is it that server one rewards seem guaranteed - also what is the formula that works out the syndicates division- lets us know so we are able to act accordingly

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