LCN Helper Group on Facebook

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by S JORDAN, Feb 13, 2018.

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    S JORDAN Member

    I am curious why a Facebook group that has administrators and moderators that openly promote third party "tools" and multiple accounts 《33 by one member》 is unofficially sanctioned by Kano.

    There are a couple Kano staff as members who occasionally post there.

    They must see the terms of use violations.. If they are still active in group they should speak up and post when they see is a violation.
    Otherwise would suggest they leave the group as their presence implies they condone
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
    Kirsten likes this.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    not surprised at all to hear this, as I have witnessed things, myself , not a member anymore of a group who condones this, and the things said there in the past, were ignored
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yes, we do have some members of our Support team who are in the group and have posted in the past. Originally we looked to join a number of fan groups to help reach players who hadn’t contacted us via forums etc. but over time this group became by far the most popular, in no small part thanks to the efforts of a dedicated volunteer moderation team.

    As time has gone on, we have found it less and less necessary to post in that group and have pointed players there towards our official channels. These days it is more for players to talk to each other as most of them have learned the mechanics we originally joined to impart.

    We have an Official Group on the LCN Fan Page that we're looking at ramping up shortly here, if that's something people are interested in. The Group is currently set to "closed" but you can still request to join and an admin will review. We'll likely keep it closed to keep spam Facebook accounts and the like out, but here is the link:

    Your concern is noted and I'll definitely be speaking with the rest of our team about it. Thanks! :)
    SeVaR likes this.
  4. SeVaR

    SeVaR New Member


    S. Jordan, that group you speak of is the Facebook group I help admin.
    In no way, shape, or form have we ever promoted or condone third party scripts. In fact, we encourage folks to not use third party scripts as per the ToU by Kano. Clicks good, scripts bad.

    Recently third party scripts have been a hot topic and people use Facebook groups as a way to discuss any concerns they have in a public forum with other players.
    Questions and concerns have come up from a few folks in the player base and we try the best we can to address those questions and concerns as they arise, all while trying to keep the mood light and entertaining where possible. We always encourage open communication about everything, even taboo topics. We have to admit, the possibility of script usage and automation is a pretty scary idea. We don't want a good game to go down in flames like other games have over the years because of this sort of thing.

    If at any point you have a concern, feel free to write a message to any of the listed admins or moderators of that group on Facebook. We are always glad to help where we can. :)

    To mi7ch, thanks for being of great help over last year or so in that group. Sol, as well as the others have been a great asset in helping us learn all about this great game. I wish you the absolute best in your upcoming venture into the Facebook Group world, I am positive it will be a great place chocked full of resources and great tips and tricks for the players.
    Dobby and Smack like this.
  5. Donna Poole

    Donna Poole New Member

    If I may say some thing since I am also a Officer on the LCN Helpers Page we have no S. Jordan on that page ..Kano has gone above the call to listen to questions and issues on that is a no drama page ..real players ask questions and with the help of many of other players they get answers ...As always we are more then welcome to have Kano help us...Donna
    SeVaR likes this.

    S JORDAN Member

    Hi Donna. I WAS a member of your Facebook group
    Some of the content and questions were useful to newer player.
    I posted on some threads toin attempt to help too.
    On Feb 3rd I started a thread that complained about the promotion of third party tools by a party. An admin chastised me for calling them scripts.
    Donna then started a poll to ask what type of third party modifications to the game were considered acceptable a short time later.

    The next time i went to look at group I was no longer a member.

    Good luck to you in game.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
    Kirsten likes this.
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I'm going to lock this thread now; the OP has had a chance to voice their concern and myself and the group admins have responded. We don't want any accusations or witch hunts happening here so as a reminder if you can have a concern about a specific player in-game, please let us know through Support.
    Monkey Poo and SeVaR like this.
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