[LCN] Need help on skill location

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Caleb Poling, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. Caleb Poling

    Caleb Poling New Member

    I have lost 0 battles so far and I was wondering what my Max Stam and Energy needs to be before i focus on attk and def forever.

    I'm leavel 87
    I currently have 980 Heath, 240 Energy, 145 Stam, 2 attack, 1 Def.
  2. Rhenkle1

    Rhenkle1 Active Member

    Energy to 500 out of the gate since it refills to 500 everytime you level. After that it depends on what you want to build for: raids, strength, or punch achievements, and to build as much money as you can asap.
    Barnacle likes this.

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