Hmm... I can find: "Godfather Goal History" and "My Loot Case History" there, But NOT a "QUEST history" or a "Loot CHEST history"... But I DO have a lottery ticket on the 9:th on server 1, AND on the 12:th on server 2. Regardless of it.. This is VERY confusing to me...
Why doesn't the "regular" reward MESSAGE show with JUST that lottery ticket then...? But JUST with that ticket in it, instead of the four cards. Maybe with a message saying that I "just" won the ticket..?
After James post, I thought there WAS a bug, but after "UN-NECESSARY RESEARCH" I just discovered that I posted my ticket to soon... Since "Mitch" replied while I wrote the ticket..
(DANG!.. YOU are FAST sometimes...) 

I'm actually NOT "dyslectic" my self, just a bit ... Ehhh let's call it "LAZY" when it comes to reading instructions...
I like to discover myself what happens when just "testing your way forward" instead. Since you often LEARN more by doing so.
But maybe you should keep ALL of us "in mind" a little more?
The reason I reacted, was the x2 occurances. As I "normally" open the loot cases by clicking the "case icon". But I ALSO used the link on "HOME" page x 2... That in combination with getting "just tickets" twice, made me post the thread.
"The easier something is to understand and use, the more popular it gets by the users".
^Bad translation of a Swedish quote ^ (It still "makes my point" though...)
But sometimes some things are TO easy.. And then just get's.. Ehh.? "annoying"? perhaps is a suiting word for it....
Like the "new" mobup button in the chats... THAT was a REALLY BAD idea, that got implemented..
(I've NEVER clicked that button intentionally... And gets SO many requests from users already mobbed up...)
Do you REALLY WANT/NEED that extra "server load"? And frustration from your customers Mitch? *wink, wink* 
Thanks for your time and efforts to help me figure this out. You are STILL the best!
Best regards