[ZS] Holiday Raid Boss Walkthrough

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey all,

    Whether you’ve been naughty or nice, Commander Claus is coming to town! For this month’s Raid event you’ll be helping the scourge of the zombie horde make sure that he has enough toys for the boys and girls of the world. In light of this change, there are a few key areas where the Raids will differ from previous events. Read on to find out what!

    Building Toys

    The main goal of this Raid event is to assist the Raid by building toys in the workshop. This functions the same as attacking a normal Raid and costs Stamina, but instead of doing damage with every click of the Attack button you’ll be building some toys.

    Additionally, your Party’s Health is measured in Holiday Cheer. Once this gets low, you’ll need to spend some Energy to get your Holiday Cheer back up to full.

    Raid Superiors are still earned the same way as normal, though we have some exciting new holiday-themed ones to collect!

    Global Raid Boss Progress

    *Not final numbers.

    The biggest change to this event is that, by contributing to the total number of Raid Bosses completed, you’ll have a chance to earn special Holiday-themed Loot Cases with some unique Holiday items inside!

    On the Raid Boss page there will be a new panel with a progress bar tracking how many Raid Bosses are defeated across all servers (you’ll be working together on this one!) For each checkpoint cleared, you’ll earn a Holiday Loot Case. The more checkpoints you clear, the more Cases will be unlocked!

    The bar will progress incrementally in-game, but here is what you can expect to earn for each checkpoint:

    Check point 1: one loot Case
    Check point 2: one loot Case
    Check point 3: one loot Case
    Check point 4: one loot Case
    Check point 5: two loot Cases
    Check point 6: three loot Cases
    Check point 7: seven loot Cases

    Note that these rewards will be redeemable once all summoned Raids have been completed, which should be on December 22. You’ll have until midnight on January 22 to redeem these rewards.

    When you are able to collect the rewards, you’ll be able to do so from the “Past Checkpoints” on the totalizer screen. There will be collect links there, make sure to click the orange collect button on the pop-up to receive your reward.

    To get things kicked off, here’s a free Raid Boss key! Starting at 9 am tomorrow December 14 (when the Raid starts) click on the link below to be taken to the server of your choice and claim your reward:

    FB: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_405
    KP2: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_405
    KONG: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_405
    AG: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_405
    M3THMouth likes this.
  2. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    Mitch, is there no achievement for this one?
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Given that this is a one off boss that may or may not return in the future, and also since we are giving away Loot Cases for hitting progression goals there will be no achievement for this boss.

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