PC got their 5 FPs and VC got their 5; and all you gave us was energy!! With the faction war going on; those 5 UN's would of help!! Zombie slayers is like Charlie Brown, when everyone is getting candy, we got a rock!!
That ended yesterday, if I remember right, I collected all mine yest, the one today is a different one this was the 5 favor points Bonus Boost October 26 - 29 (expires at 10 am Pacific) http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/bonus-boost-october-26-29-expires-at-10-am-pacific.35192/ Thu Oct 26 10:04
You are wrong, the link just went up for Pirate Clan and it was 5 FP and my friend said he got his 5 from Viking Clan today.
Well I got energy from all 4 games , from the links, so don't know , But I did get my 5 FP's sunday the last day of that reward. interesting