missing trophies?

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by polishpimp, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    i see that the trophies for the latest season have been awarded to the guilds yet my guild has not received anything, please look into this. TY!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  2. some guilds have some like this


    x 2

    Your guild should have x 2 but there is no numbers there .. must be bug !!!

    x 2
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ty very much Para...I did notice that the awards r showing up for all the other guilds just as u have shown above....buy this is not the case for my guild, the awards for this past season have not shown up as a new award....nor does appear as u have shown as "x2". But your efforts to help r greatly appreciated...TY!!
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Still no change in our trophy case status. I realize that this problem is very minor in comparison to what you folk have to deal with...and that u will deal with it when u can, just keeping ya updated. TY 4 your time.
  5. Can i also point out that my guilds figures for the daily targets are not even showing on the leaderboard -and haven't done for a while now - I agree with Polish in as much that this may seem a trivial matter - but it still needs attention if its part of the gameplay - thank you
  6. the gamer points and guild are still in beta mode :S so they aren't 100 % functional ...many guilds have had problems. The avant guards ;mike's guild, are having issues as well...apparently some of their gamer points keep vanishing even though all members do their daily points completely :confused:...hopefully devs solve these issues soon :D

    Armageddon The Ferocious Lord
    Level 1570, Merchant Viking
  7. blackhawkdown

    blackhawkdown New Member


    i am a officer in my synd.. thats yet to recieve its respected trophy this week.. what would one recieve if there in the top 15... we r called MKH... madkinghomies.. thanx
  8. u should receive a trophy for being in the top 50 and one for finishing a season..if u came the 2 seasons in top 50 then u would get a trophy like the one Para posted but the number would be 50 and x2 would appear at the button for both trophies :D and i know it sucks that u are ranked as top 50 when ur guild did more effort than the guild actually at that rank :S..

    Armageddon The Ferocious Lord
    Level 1570, Merchant Viking
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  9. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Hey guys, we'll look into your accounts and see if what kind of issues may be happening. Guilds are still in beta and we're working to fix any bugs and update issues. We'll keep you posted with any updates.
  10. :) Thanks Eric...that would be appreciated
  11. I am aware that things were being looked into - just wanted to let you know that I still have the same problem - My guilds points do not show on the leaderboard,:(
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    we r still missing 2 trophies...including are 1st place trophy from this past week. It would be greatly appreciated to see this issue finally get some attention ...as its the only rewards for such hard work by the guild members. TY!
  13. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    If anyone is still missing a season trophy, send a message to support and they can investigate further.

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