Personally I could care less if i got hit listed 100 times in a row

it's a feakin game ...supposedly a war game
Totally understand you all trying to "protect" lower level players from bullying in a "fight" game.

the 60 seconds stops player A from hit listing..but what is stopping player B, C and D from listing....example being if you have a group that dislikes a say level 2k player and whats to say they all can't take turns hit listing
Maybe 400+ days ago, when concerns were brought up about certain aspects in the game you should have listened and addressed them back then
This is supposed to...... be a "WAR" game

there is always going to be strong accounts and weak accounts.....spenders and non spenders.....hard core players and casual players........."bullies" and fair players.........YOU as devs know that it is impossible to please ALL........and for every action you make there is going be a reaction........improve the game, add different things do

instead of making changes that are coming a year too late

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