As mentioned in last Friday’s TGIF, we’re now be rolling out a change to the hitlist feature in LCN. Going forward, listing anyone outside your honourable hitlist range will trigger a 60-second cooldown before you can list that same player again.
This method was chosen based on feedback from two previous threads on the hitlist, and is intended to protect players who are otherwise forced to stay dead due to chainlisting from players they are too weak to fight off. At the same time the change will continue to allow people within each others’ range to continue chain-listing and -rigging as many players enjoy. For those of you who list people within your range you should notice no change to your gameplay.
We’ll be monitoring hitlist play closely after this rolls out, and we’re looking forward to hearing from all of you about the impact of this change. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help shape this release and we hope it makes for a fuller hitlist and more fun for everyone.
Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
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