[LCN] Balance & Development Update July 18

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Scoughman, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. gloc twins

    gloc twins New Member

    yep, no point in joining, nothing to gain...:p
  2. Scoughman

    Scoughman Well-Known Member

    Announcements just went out about Faction War prizing changes in VC and ZS, we should have similar ones for LCN coming up mid-next week at the latest.
  3. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I laugh at kano when they try to say they will fix the balance of the game this was mentioned when the last boss came out about the stats for it was to be alot better but yet it turned out the same, this boss kano talks about balance and again they give out crappy items. When we talk about balance you need to make the upper levels crafts, job drops and boss things the same strength as a raid, if you do not you are never going to fix the offset of lower levels 10,000 lvls lower than some will never win, the way its set now buying is the ultimate power and trumps all even time spent in or levels. IF the items was bumped people would have a reason to lvl instead of raid whoring. Even changing how skill points are used during a fight will not help when bought items and job items or craft items have a 400 point difference. And the point difference is always on the raise and forever changing so i dont understand why the items for jobs cant be alot better, the items for challenges and even the boss reward i get not giving out insane item for boss help but the owner should receive a item equal to the highest item out at the time, again these items will be out dated within months due to constant roll out of items.
  4. Scoughman

    Scoughman Well-Known Member

    The reason location and regular boss drops aren't as strong as raids or limiteds is because you can collect a lot more of them. In a game where you have such a large inventory, the % of total items you can upgrade/replace often has a big impact, and if people could grind 100s of drops with a similar power level quickly, we'd have a problem.

    We are studying the power curve of items and crafting as well, so it's not something we've ruled out, but by looking at the statistics we can see that adjusting the strength of SP in Att/Def can make a big difference here without the complications of rebuilding item power. Stay tuned for more detail on this coming later in the week.
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    your reply is hilarious the items i talk about stat would be replaced with new items easily since they change more often than cities come up, also it would be only a selected higher end that have access you know the ones complaining that people 2000 to 10,000 lvls below them are winning due to the amount of cash used to buy all items for inventory so you telling the average person if they cant spend 100,00 dollars they might as well get used to the new large amount of spenders that have broke the game and skill points i doubt will have much effect when difference in the amount of cash spent is insanely and basically it tells me if i cant spend another 40 grand i cant competitive anymore...
  6. Scoughman

    Scoughman Well-Known Member

    I don't quite get what you mean in that last post, but what I'm saying is we are looking to bridge the gap in power level between having a new, strong inventory and having a weaker inventory but higher Att+Def SP. I think it'll make more sense when we share more data on our findings very soon.
  7. ReeferC

    ReeferC Member

    Why not eliminated xp loss for being hitlisted? Or at least eliminate it after (x) amount of lists within (x) amount of time from the same player? I personally like the hitlist feature, it is the only way for me to defend myself. Higher levels don't like to be rigged or listed due to the xp loss, lowers tend to take more to convince them to back off(assuming your are just a punching bag like me with low personal attack and defense).

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