I never use the chat but my link is constantly posted to be punched...
In the good ol' days when this game used to be a fighting-game and not a freaking tea- or punch-party i attacked everyone withio or without my fightrange if i won the fights
I have plenty out of range mobsters i attack on a daily basis, but all i get back is them talking trash about me in your chat and a lousy punch-party
You tell us to mute people who are rude and insulting in your chat, but i think that this option really stinks....
If i mute everyone with a grudge or hatred, then i can't keep track on what i'm blamed of, can i ??
I have since my 1st day been playing this game as a fight-game and will continue to do so until i get fed up with all the lousy punchers/trash-talking people and do what many of my usually playing highleveled mobsters did years ago.....Leave the game for good !!
I'm blamed of being a bully coz i DO attack back when punched, so if people don't want to be attacked in a fighting-game, then they shouldn't punch or post my link to be punched by others , shouldn't they ??
I'm not a great bounty-hunter, so you can do whatever you like with the hitlisting-problem coz when i do try to get a bounty, i'm freaking punched out of the game...I don't mind getting hitlisted, coz that just give me more toys/mobsters to attack
If people just joined your game to punch, then i agree, they ought to get back to playing Farmville and punch their daisies there instead
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