Crafting: Prison Transport

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DarkStratus, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. DarkStratus

    DarkStratus Administrator

    The Prison Transport takes three items to craft.

    Two of the items are gifts.

    One of the items is not a gift.

    Good luck!
  2. rolandsea

    rolandsea New Member

    Id be willing to bet:

    The Prison Transport takes three items to craft.

    One of the items is a ship.

    Two of the items are not.

    Good Luck.
  3. hmm.maybe jolly roger flag and ship helm for gifts?
  4. Tim Vande Schraaf

    Tim Vande Schraaf New Member

    Based on the past items, I would guess the non-gift item would be the water taxi. I am guessing the transport is an upgrade to the water taxi.
  5. Found... lol
    Thanks for the tip
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  6. juanmmatam

    juanmmatam Member

    Congrats but I cannot identify yet the items... your thumbnail is very small and does not show all items.
  7. Jme

    Jme Member

    Pardon me from being the one to point out the obvious, but why is this posted in the VC Forum? Put it in the PC forum where it belongs!
  8. Mmmhhh mistaken? lol
  9. juanmmatam

    juanmmatam Member

    Hi Lord A but I was kindly asking u for the items... I did not post the other comments. Thks again
  10. How did we proceed.
    Assuming it's a boat, and an hidden recipe it was surely the water taxi as the non-gift.
    Then we need to find a combination of two gifts. We eliminated all the ones already used and the latest ones. A 28x28 matrix without the diagonal cell...
    Testing each pair of cells, my half got the lucky hand! A great thanks to Suzie who gave Captain spy glass and Zombie compass!!
  11. juanmmatam

    juanmmatam Member

    Gee great!!! Itried with the other compass and the flag... totally off mark...owe u big time....enjoy!!!

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