new kano game

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by alboainain, Dec 20, 2010.


do you agree for the virtual world game?

  1. yes,sure,ofcourse,great,would be fun,nice

    4 vote(s)
  2. no,dont care,dont agree,not good idea

    15 vote(s)
  1. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    i think kano should make a new game and not same as all there games..
    they should make a virtual world game same as yoville...
    we make or own avatat,decorate our own house, buying decorations, furnitures, go to work t get coins or money, chat, and if there are an event kano make it, for example x-mas they make it snowing and decorations for x-mas and limited items for x-mas......and so on..ester,valantine,2years or 3 years kano,
    and we make friends, add neighbors.....
    and i think you will be creative...
  2. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    Oops..looks like someone didn't like it..
    i thought all would like it..
    humm..will wait and see other people..
  3. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    If you want a game like yoville, then why not just go play yoville?
  4. Sounds a bit like Simms to me...don't like that either.....Kano are good at what they do - stick with it lads x
  5. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    nope, but i thought kano can make their own virtual game..and i think it will make kano get much more players...
    but if you dont like it up to you :)
  6. ciokolata

    ciokolata New Member


    ragazzi sara bello di creare qualcosa di virtuale (exempio : come crime city ) perche molto piacevole per chi gioaca mob wars ( La casa nostra) . kano losso non e faccile ma per tutti giocatori che sono apassionati di toi giochi per favore fai qualcosa di invidiat ciao un bacio a tutti voi .
  7. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    boys will be looking to create something virtual (exempio: how crime city) because very pleasant for those who gioaca mob wars (la cosa nostra). kano Losso s easy but not for all players who are toi Apassionata of games, please do something invidiat a kiss hello to you all.

    i think that what he is meaning...
    but not all are translated ..
    but i agree him with the part that i had understand :)

    i think kano should at least make only 1 virtual game...and i think when they get much players they will keep only doing these type of games...coz i see much players playing these games..not the i dont know what they are called :p same as PC MWLCN....
    make it and try :) i think attleast you will get 1 million fans...on the virtual game only ;)
  8. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    any other people would like to share their ideas...
  9. Since Kano already has a Pirate game obviously their next game needs to be based on Ninjas.

    There's already yoville, farmville, frontierville and whatever other ville games are out give you what you want.
  10. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    yea..these are the games that make the company more users and fans..see Zyanga i dont know what is their spelling name.. but they only have mafia wars and vampire wars and other are the ville games which all has over 5million actove payers...
    see cityville new game wil over 75million players..:eek:
    do you have an idea about that? coz most people like these types of game..
    and if kano didnt make their own game they will only keeps with the 200k fans only<<maybe less than 200k :%
    and if kano didnt make i will go to some of zynga games that i like...and will keep on PC and VC and all kano games only for bosses not for another thing...kano games are not having much things that allow us to enjoy it much..
    and there are not much features on the game..
    battle,adventure,challenges! what other things?
    so the virtual world game would be more better so there we will have our own apartment and when we get some coins we can buy ower own house...decorate...kano would bring much decorations and furniture....
    so these games are better and i like the cityville and millioner city game type..building ower own city...

    sorry for my bbad spelling and grammer mistakes..
  11. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    oh and for the ninja i dont think they are gonna make it same as PC or VC they will make it same as ZS and i didnt liked it much..
    acctuly they may not make a ninja game..
    kano problem is the refile..
    and they should make xp got from fights is only from 2-10XP and make full refile...
  12. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    If you want a Game similar to VC/PC with full refills, limited XP per battle and being one Hell of a Challenge, play Castle Age.

    I don't need somethig like yoville or something similar. I find these types of games annoying, I hated the Sims when it came out first. Kano should concentrate on their Games, which work just fine by the way, and not on copying Zynga. I played a Zynga app, it was annoying as hell and I won't touch it again.

    Kano do great games and I think they should keep this up.
  13. alboainain

    alboainain New Member

    castle age is so complacated i couldn't undestand it...
    and for the annyoing thing as you said i think most people on facebook are these type of games
    i didnt say copy zynga i said that they can do same as this game with some kano creative ideas..!
    and kano should make one of these games and dont concentrate on it much only when they get much players..
    coz i think when it is going to come much people will play it...
    and if not i dont care coz it is not my company i dont have to keep caring of the fans and kano players
    but i want kano to go to the top same as other companys...
    and i think zynga is not a very old company maybe 2007 or 2008 i dont know and i think kano are there sence 2008 and see they are only having with their most game 156k is up to kano..
    but they should make a trailer and share it on facebook,hi5,myspace and see what people think about it..
    i think much will say it is a great idea..and then after the trailer with some months kano make the game and see if much people plays it.. the game should not be very good at the begining so you just see how much people will come and then if much people plays it and that what i think.. you should keep concentarting on the game...

    sorry i keep writing to long and i dont like it but i should Argu to keep my idea up..:D
  14. waldo1984

    waldo1984 Member

    I used to play Holy War back in the day with a friend who was a software developer, and between the two of us, we figured we could come up with an aftermath-type/alien invasion BBRPG wherein the players would start out in Western Europe (or wherever) in a lower-level environment, killing mutated monsters, bandits, and other Fallout-type creatures, and slowly progress upwards in levels, eventually brought into a human resistance/Earth government group which would send them out on missions (with a potential for co-op play but plenty of PvP, of course).

    Skills-based (more emphasis on skills instead of "levels," in other words), modern-era small arms, followed by more futuristic weapons (and eventually alien equipment), and each time people got too big for the area they were in, they'd "migrate" to another server/area. In other words, you'd get powerful enough that the human bandits, mutants, and other dangers of Western Europe wouldn't challenge you, so you'd move to Eastern Europe, then keep moving further east every time you outgrew your environment. There was also an X-Files type plot thrown in for good measure as well.

    Of course, he was too busy to program a lot of it, I was too lazy to fill out the story details and game mechanics, we never found an animator we liked, and between the two of us, I'm sure we were a couple dozen people away from having enough contributors to actually pull something like that off, but if Kano (or anyone else) ever wanted to take that idea and run with it, I'd love to play it. We would have presented the idea to GAS (the guys behind Holy War), but if ever there was a company that threw up a bigger middle finger in the face of their players, I haven't found it.
  15. Jme

    Jme Member

    Quite frankly, I think Kano creating a virtual world gamed like the ville games, jumping on a band wagon. They're lame, and for people who lack real life social skills. You want something just like real life? Turn off your computer and go out and live your life. As for the games Kano has? Keep up the good work!
  16. master-yoworld

    master-yoworld New Member

    i just want my myspace apps back. lost real money in zynga apps and this app does nothing.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Myspace , ha , they screwed you not kano, just like any platform can, not the game company. But a Game company can shut down a game , Zynga has done that also. Buyers Beware .
  18. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    this is boring to me 0 ratings that is stupid no need to bring that junk into kano games no offense they can create something else besides this sorry to say an not being disrespectful but not rating...
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    This thread is four years old. :/
    Justin the killer likes this.

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