[LCN] Update Regarding the Referral and Rewards Program

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Mary Lou

    Mary Lou Member

    I almost bought weapons today, but I will not spend another dime until this mess is fixed.
  2. Tony_G

    Tony_G Member

    Tatum S.
    Kano/Apps Support

    Thanks for getting in contact with us. We do appreciate the time and dedication you have put into your game, and I'm sorry you haven't been getting the response you expect from Support.

    In regards to this issue, I'm a bit limited in what details about other players' accounts I can discuss.

    Generally the issues we look into are cases where two or three accounts seem to be linked more closely than usual. This kind of connection can be the result of alternative/fake accounts or shared accounts, but can also be the result of multiple separate players frequently accessing the game via the same internet connection. We look into all cases like these, but when players have provided sufficient information that there is reasonable doubt that multiple account use has taken place, we do not take action against their accounts.

    That's why kano won't ban alt acc's but off topic regarding this forum topic too, just thought I'd share!
    The Gab 03 and Kirsten like this.
  3. robbin gordon

    robbin gordon Well-Known Member

    you're some piece of work, lady. do you ever shut up, or do you just like to think you are mafia's wars gift to kano players ? give your keyboard a rest.... go find a place where maybe someone, anyone, gives a crap about your endless, inane babbling.
  4. robbin gordon

    robbin gordon Well-Known Member

    YOU HAVE NO GAME, YOUR GAME IS DEAD. there.... can you see that ? mafia wars failed, deal with it. why did it fail ? it failed because you were OVERRUN BY CHEATERS. accept this.... it will make your life so much better if you do so.
  5. robbin gordon

    robbin gordon Well-Known Member

    you.... make sense. i like you.... :)
  6. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    If that information is "incorrect" (which @mi7ch & @Ceathing Bad Kitty have stated and I therefore believe), will you please enlighten the rest of us as to what the "correct" Rewards they are/were receiving?
    Ceathing Bad Kitty likes this.
  7. Sandy Barrows

    Sandy Barrows Active Member

    I'm not seeing strong building from you as yet ? I will reserve judgement
    The Gab 03 and Kirsten like this.
  8. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    First, I would like to ensure you (and all other new players) that I genuinely welcome you to this game - I have already made many new friends & continue to help them on a regular basis. However, I must strongly disagree with your opinion on making things like "fight lists" more adequate for you (and other new players)! Just like every veteran player here, I/we had to start at the bottom & work our way up, without help from the developers in terms of making game changes to eliminate and/or alleviate the same processes we had to go through (or making the game easier in any way for new players).

    I realize you had eight years invested in Mafia Wars, & I feel your pain, but that should not mean you get a free pass (or any other help) that none of the veteran players got when they first started! I lost THOUSANDS of XP after my 30-day "protection" ended, & would have LOVED an extra 30 days of it. I was killed HUNDREDS of times while attempting to work the Hitlist without ever collecting a Bounty until I got my character around level 1,000. I was not offered any special incentive to make me stronger, help me level faster, or anything similar. I went through the steps (at times very difficult), but I perservered by making friends & toughing it out (a learning process). For those reasons (just to name a few), I do not believe it is fair (or right) that any new player be given any type of special privileges and/or handouts that we "veteran" players never got (regardless of where we came from).

    Glad to have you here & I realize your value, but there is also great value in loyalty (yours was with Zynga for 8 years & ours has been here, which is why many of the "veteran" players have recently expressed their feelings of concern). Both new & loyal players alike have value, & some feel like the value in loyalty has been a bit overlooked lately..
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  9. The Gab 03

    The Gab 03 New Member

    You was, i am, what relate's to me, i dare ask how one can a say, but I do listen to your precious advice, for nothing corcerns me virtually. Probably..........I don't give a damn dame, nice try to justify your a self & heart aches be a hind my words. I aint no forum cop, just my 2 pence ( cents ) , enjoy yo! ;)
  10. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    well , honestly could care less if you are kind to anyone, you are a very strange person with very strange ideas in your head.
    robbin gordon and S E T H like this.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Only for you, do I have disdain,I have mobbed hundreds of newbies from mafia wars, but you are not gonna be one of them ever
    Seppo, robbin gordon and S E T H like this.
  12. buttplugs

    buttplugs New Member

    first things first im from mafia wars.....ive barely played lcn compared to mobwars cos it to me looks all over the place....besides that i had a bit of a read.....mafia wars players you wont be number 1 unless you spend more than the biggest account and invest time so stop saying it....no we dont have a quadrillion players that are gonna spend so we can take over so stop saying it .....old players despite the few big gobs there will b people here that will help the game roll on and "get it" so please ignore the idiots with the big mouths, there usually the ones who bought a mafia acnt ,have a big fam or are dying and like to spout crap....either way being bottom rung of the ladder hasnt quite sunk in yet
  13. TSG KILLER K i think you might be trying to make some brownie points with kano! Lol is it working???????:D
    [SIKU] KillerK and S E T H like this.
  14. Tammie Elam

    Tammie Elam New Member

    I do not argue with the fact that a lot of people had multiple accounts while playing MW but they seemed to allow it , however I have always just had 1 account , I am not a cheater , do not use a bot ect , it is very unfair to consider us all bad players . I'd like to think that there are as many or more of us that are just trying to enjoy playing and legitimately build our accounts the same way you did and do. I also know that many of us newer players are doing our best to let others know that scripts and multiple accounts ect will not be accepted so please don't judge us all as a whole.
  15. I for one know there is good ppl and bad ppl and we older loyal player's do not judge all by some who cheat. But right is right and wrong is wrong. We worked our butts off in the game to get to where we are now and then some of the abuser's come in from mafia wars and try to make a name for themselves. We didn't have if as easy as you all do now a lot of us put our hard work,sweat, and tears into this game. And we worked our way up without having to cheat but if the cheating keeps on kano will lose their most loyal and dedicated player's. We would enjoy having all the new player's I myself like helping the little one's out but I refuse to help cheater's. Why even play a game if you have to cheat? Cheater's never win and winner's never cheat!
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  16. David Verschueren

    David Verschueren New Member

    someone told me that...Why would someone lie about it?
    [SIKU] KillerK likes this.
  17. David Verschueren

    David Verschueren New Member

    Why don't you write love story's sheesh
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I also saw a player who had said there was something Kano had given to them , get banned , I didn't know at the time what the deal was kano gave them but had a feeling it is was gonna being abused , just by looking at a few new player accounts.
    David Verschueren likes this.
  19. [SIKU] KillerK

    [SIKU] KillerK Active Member

    Hi Easy,

    I totally agree, and believe everyone who loses a game has the right to mourn and find a substitute.

    I would never congregate all people in this world as EVIL for example, or all people as GOOD. Unfortunately, there have been inferences (certainly not by you and the other great veteran players I've added to my list) by some that we all are inexperienced, all using software, and it is not the case.

    I am a veteran MW fighter and will be until and if the game closes. I have over 65,000 attack and pride myself on always helping new players. When I started the game there were no legal clans and the other clubs were called 'white tag' and if you were picked up by one you were happy for you learned strategy and the game. I say this because back then we did not have all the HYPE and money spending that Zynga encouraged and ripped us off for. Zynga has admitted this publically. We also do not expect everyone to like us or even help us.

    I have heard and known from some glitches in my account that I asked Administration here to check that they are quite strict here. I was happy to hear this because I refused to use software even when it was offered to me repeatedly over years. I like to kill my own choice of my fight list and rival list that I built, I do not repeat unless in a WAR between clans and you do repeat so to me seeing folks getting millions of ices when I played by hand did not irk me for I play the game fair and like my other players to do the same...

    The problem is there is always someone getting something for nothing in this world. I learned in my last years of MW to ignore Demon and not share in many dear friends I love using it. They knew I was a skilled fighter without it and I did not need 1 million ices to prove what I was as a fighter with 200,000. Also I always have tried to hit higher level as in MW to do this with higher attack then say an account who is 200,000 repeatedly when a level 10,000 is fun!

    Yes fun. We did not come over to change the game I believe my statements are mistaken by those who see the game changing due to us. NUMBERS changed the game platform the first month; Mitch posted this that in the first 30 days of Zynga announcing the end of the game the PLAYING PLATFORM doubled. That means more staff, more work, more everything (costs to run the game) and right now 99% of MW players are in ending EVENTS not over here starting accounts. The NUMBERS changed the game, and it will happen if another game similar closes down and people look for a replacement.

    I do believe your Administration is superior to what we had at Zynga, and it is awesome to see they actually act on problems to solve them! I hope this continues as numbers increase. I did not come to offend anyone but people have felt I guess that anyone from MW is a trouble maker or has software, and an agenda. We are just people who loved our game; some are fighters, some are gamers, and in MW the third group are thieves. Many I think still hope that the game will remain; that someone else will purchase it and continue the legacy I just do not know.

    The fight list I am told by veterans is a weak point and historical so with so many coming in I'm sure everyone hopes for a rotating fight list. It gives you access to many choices and changes rapidly if used. I did not receive what I saw posted yesterday by certain players which was some daily gift of stamina and other loot no way! I am sure most of us did not. But none of us being new to MOB LCN knew what new players were given when starting the game.

    It is my hope that people here take the time to get to know one another. I strongly believe if anyone has broken TOS they should be removed. And for the record DEMON was against MW TOS and I've seen people buy accounts (also illegal) over the years and get banned and account killed. I built my fighter from zero without clans and arena and all the hype that Zynga added when they upped the money factor. I like many of the veterans hated the game changing due to some new people BUT I HELPED NEW PEOPLE for I know we need new blood to make a game fun, and we need communication just to get along.

    I for one apologize to anyone who believes that all MW are evil or otherwise; I personally could not understand why I was being called a troll, accused of multiple things I would never do just because KANO had an incident with people who were new getting free stuff. I have gone out of my way to work with veterans and add them to my family. I like the people here. I hope if there is an issue that it's caught for the NUMBERS are increasing and if software is used the game will be destroyed. I am against scripts entirely!
  20. robbin gordon

    robbin gordon Well-Known Member

    tammi.... i am sure there are many good, clean players coming over.... i have included a number of them into my own group, and have welcomed them with open arms. you need to know we aren't stupid to think you all cheated. but the blatant openness of the cheating is almost mind boggling. why defend a site that clearly died due to dishonesty on ALL sides !!!

    today i was shown a link to a demon cheat site... and i see that there is already a script actively working on lcn now. no defense.... it's fact. so i stand by what i said.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016

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