[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    So basically what your saying is---
    • YOU join a raid boss
    • Get "MOST TOTAL ACTIONS" in your tier
    • And you didn't get a Superior drop?
    In a nutshell basic question?????
  2. Alfredo Scarface

    Alfredo Scarface Active Member

    Just a reminder: You need to be top of tier when the raid finishes, not where you joined. In case anyone missed or didn't understand that one too.
    The Gab 03 and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  3. Geoff Heretic Wild

    Geoff Heretic Wild Active Member

    I still say that the top 10 contributors, regardless of their tier, should get a superior, and the bottom get a common.
    Easy peasy. Just like Office Space. "We encourage people to do more than just the minimum. "
  4. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    This has been seen soo many times, that many of us stopped doing any special damage on raid bosses where we are in same tier as owner.
    The Gab 03 and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Im not the only one who got tired of being screwed on this then too Huh.... Mitch please help us get this fixed, it used not to be a problem since support would fix with a ticket if you did deserve it but now they just blow us off with the owner canceled it out..... Thanks I know your the man

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  6. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    If that is happening that is definitely not the intended function. I've let the developer know and they'll look into this.
  7. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Awesome Thanks Mitch I knew you was the Man!
  8. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    When are the next raids coming
  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Next week.
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  10. The Gab 03

    The Gab 03 New Member

    The 12th today in Europe 10 am in da USA yo! ;)
  11. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    Hey, I got demoted (in tier).
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yep, I bumped the tiers up by user request. I missed that last time, but I got it in for this time.
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  13. Miss Kitty Snaps

    Miss Kitty Snaps Active Member

    Hi mi7ch - wonder if you guys can run #'s and see how many mobs were benched on the current raid. I can't tell you how many raids I've tried to join and they were killed several times. I think if the new players have a 60 day grace period then they shouldn't be allowed in raids for 60 days. We know posting in job chat allows anyone in but the new players don't know the rules and they are killing them and getting benched. The newer players are trying to experience the raid just like the veterans but they are having their raids screwed up too
    Kirsten and The Gab 03 like this.
  14. The Gab 03

    The Gab 03 New Member

    Hi. I'm a new member ( newbie ) and I've started my raid and dropped my guard for a wee bit, cause I thought that in the first tier only 10 people could join and after a while I noticed 6 more players jumped in like lightning, so I closed da door. Sure they are slowing the raid down , though it's my first raid. OK l keep an eye on health and keep it maxed. Now I understand that its not just killing the Boss that is important.
    It's a great way to earn xp, cash and so on, but I get great rewards from using NRJ and Stamina, every body lives by their mistakes, I probably won't Finnish this raid this time but I learn a lot of experience. It's a very nice part of the game, thx to all of you that makes this game interesting. The next time I'll be on my guard, I've learned a very valuable lesson here where I'd never find reading in all these tonnes of documents. Thx yall yo! ;)
    Princess ZFG - tree likes this.
  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Been hearing this over and over this is worse than the last raid, and the info is out there in quite a few places but so many just don't get it.
  16. Don Wiesner

    Don Wiesner New Member

    A raid owner should be presented the option to limit levels, and the ability to ban individuals from joining their raid globally. Another simple fix would be to let the raid owner approve or deny entry into a raid fight, much like one does for syndicate membership.
    Miss Kitty Snaps likes this.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Look we have been over and over this for over a year and a half, Do not go public with your raids, only invite people you know know how to do raids, and don't join a raid owned by a player who has been playing a month .
    Nadezda likes this.
  18. Miss Kitty Snaps

    Miss Kitty Snaps Active Member

    Even if you send your link to individual people, all it takes is one or two people sending the link out to someone else and your raid can be ruined and yes I agree we have been over this since the beginning but there is a huge influx of new players and I'll be 95% don't have any idea how it works. If we just sit back and say nothing, then the dev's will think everything went smooth this time. Whether they do something or not, I like that I can voice my concerns
    Kirsten likes this.
  19. Miss Kitty Snaps

    Miss Kitty Snaps Active Member

    Hi Gab - glad you learned from this raid and hopefully your next raid will be better. I agree about trying to find something on the forums with so many doc's; I don't know if Mafia Wars had a forum but if someone hasn't been in one, it can be a bit overwhelming

    The dev's usually post the day before that a raid is coming up, it would be nice if they had a link to "How the raid's work" right next the announcement so new players have time to read it and know the rules before it starts

    Welcome to the game :)
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I agree, with being vocal about it and I have done my best to teach many of them some get it some don't but yes we need to be vocal about it. I have showed so many the link to the forum about how raids work. There is a group on FB with all the info needed for all aspects of the game, but even in that group the same questions are asked over and over, some do not even bother to scroll thru and find the info, the owners of the group made files and docs there also, so the info is out there. Ya also have to be able to trust the people you send your raid to and tell them not to share it , I never turn on the share button for a raid, I only want clan on it, and I send the links for the tiers to the appropriate people.
    Last edited: May 15, 2016

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