[LCN] Casino Gambling

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Michael Wheet, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Michael Wheet

    Michael Wheet Active Member

    One of the elements that appears to be lacking in a Mob game is a Casino. This suggestion may be unpopular with those who do not gamble, but it is a crucial part of mob history, second only to prohibition. High Roller and Lottery are an approach to this theme, however a casino where mobsters can wager thier "play cash" for the (small) possiblity to win extra cash,FPs or gear might bring some "spice" to the game. As in real life, if you don´t care to play or lack the funds, there is no requirement to play. Of course the odds would also be heavily in favor of the house as it is with any Casino.
    ChewbaccaSW likes this.
  2. think turf war is a similiar like that gambling , its hard to get single hit always in favor of the house
  3. Michael Wheet

    Michael Wheet Active Member

    As far as the odds are concerned I can see the simularity. But in Turf Wars you do not gamble, it´s a given achievement, without risk.
  4. agree , sw is a gamble if u choose to invest fp u can win but first place is not guaranteed, we spend 48 fp per season but we only get 20 if u get 1st place and house always wins lol.
  5. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    SW is not that worth spending unless all 25 members are willing to use 48 gfs
  6. true, we can always plan early if ur going for victory. sw is abt bragging rights. sob own sw, we decide when to win and when to come second lol
  7. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    @Michael Wheet : that is a good suggestion! And im sure people would spend more time playing if the gambling game is good.

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