Why can I be attacked by higher level players

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by joint4you, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. joint4you

    joint4you New Member

    Kano why is it so easy for higher lvl's like annie and tri.... Hitting ppl 1000 lvl's lower.... What is up with that..... I cant do it why should they be able to.... Please explain why this happens.... Escipally when these ppl dont even hit them..... Ppl are leaving the game beacuse of it.... My suggestion to you is fix this now.... Before this game dies real fast....
  2. hitting or hitlisting?

    if hitting then must of hit at some point in 24hrs.

    if hitlisting well then thats different
  3. joint4you

    joint4you New Member

    no these ppl are being listed.... and not even attaking at all
  4. ok then hitLISTING not hitting.

    yes i believe its level 250 or level 300 your open for all to list

    same applies to all kano apps.
  5. joint4you

    joint4you New Member

    thats wrong these ppl are doing nothing to this person and shes 1247...mean wahile the ppl shes listing are 250-350..... thats not right
  6. maybe shes looking after clan.

    im high up on one of the apps i see my clan listed i list the lister
  7. joint4you

    joint4you New Member

    so what your saying in a nut shell... is that she s going into clan page and just listing the ppl in that clan....
  8. i think you misunderstood.if i see a bounty,click the active bounty,and see its clan,i click on the lister and list them if able to.
  9. joint4you

    joint4you New Member

    oh well your misunderstanding me then.... cause there a 1247 listing a 223 that has done nothing to her.... attacked, punched, hitlist, nothing......
  10. hmm then.your right that does seem odd.
  11. I think what "joint" is asking is if there is anything that can be done about it.

    I've had several people under lvl 100 in my squad post similar questions on my feed.
    I suspect that most commonly, they are trying to sneak the bounty with a quick hit. They then find themselves, as they describe it, being bullied for the next couple of days. Yes I've told many to stop ambushing, stop booby-trapping and just sit back and ride out the storm.

    I've also heard from some however about being pummeled beyond the 24 hour mark inspite of non retaliation.

    Let me be absolutely clear, I'm neither condoning, nor condemning the behavior. I am assuming that some players are wanting to know, clearly and in no uncertain terms, what constitutes abusive behavior within game play.

    I can see how somebody over 1000 levels above you taking a shine to you would drive some players from the game. Even if these individuals are not doing anything in direct violation of the ToS of the game.
  12. joint4you

    joint4you New Member

    yes exactly tiger ty....
  13. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    First of all, i only attack or list someone who attacked my squad or me once. the main problem is, that most of you can't live with getting killed off the hitlist by annie or me. it normally doesn't take a minute and i get punched by the one i killed.
    HEY, and then it's not my fault, there is a warning in the game to attack a higher level!
    As long as your in my rival squad i will attack and kill you, that's for what it stands for and that's how i play my game. ;)
    Have a nice day!:D
  14. exactly how i play.
  15. STOP WHINING,Read your game buttons

    I agree with your quote im high up on one of the apps i see my clan listed i list the lister
    I am part of a Faction & within that Faction I, along with my teammates, protect each other. I assume that is what the Factions are for, correct?

    This is what the game's main feed says...Let's get them, Zombie Slayers unite! and...Help your Squad mate!

    In this game there is Attack | Ambush | Hitlist | Booby Trap | Punch buttons....I use every one of those to defend my team. It's sad that some peeps are called out for using those buttons in the game. :rolleyes:

    I say, stop whining, stop crying! It's a game and I play it.
  16. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    so true! glad that there are still people who understand how this game works.
    and for those who still can't follow.....LIST ME! I CAN HANDLE THAT!:cool:

  17. When one leaves 10 take that person's place. I say stop whining and crying like babies in the game. I use the same buttons everyone else does........;):p:rolleyes:
  18. IMissMyPuppy

    IMissMyPuppy New Member

    Psh, I like how you use the excuse: ''I along with my teammates, protect each other'' when you're listing people that are only retaliating.. my little brother only lists those that mess with him... My boyfriend hasn't been on for days and somehow ''HEAD HUNTER'' listed him... you go into Factions and list, list, list.. And that's okay! It's a game. I'm not whining.. if you wanna act big and bad and list people that obviously can't beat you, just to make you feel better about yourself, that's great! But don't come here, acting like you've done nothing wrong... You're an instigator... bottom line. Yes, you said it. STOP WHINING and STOP CRYING... I think that goes for you, too... Have a nice day!
  19. maya2008

    maya2008 New Member

    I agree with you completely. It was her herself that said "we are listing you right off your faction page". So what she is saying is complete BS. She sees anyone with a X in their name and she lists them.
  20. Jadephoenix

    Jadephoenix New Member

    I agree and to that all i say is QUIT bookmarking our pages fight as fair as possible and ENJOY the game. I personally am sick of dying when I dont hit back for a few days "24 hours should be the end of the rival list" not if they bookmark your page! I;m sorry this has gotten taken way out of context but we protect or friends that are smaller from higher bullies we all do but taking it to far has to stop. Thank you Come Again !!

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