so we all know kongs numbers are diminishing slowly, but a way that might save us and get more people could be where kong/armor becomes a test platform to demo updates changes ect. this would encourage people who want to get a sneak peak for whats in store try it out see if they like it and submit feedback to adjust accordingly. i dont think anybody on kong would complain about being test subjects lol if anything we would like it lol
why though it is the biggest platform meaning to test something there would be way worse having it go bad then on a smaller platform. also Fb isnt the one hurting for players lmao we have a solid dedicated amount but more would definitely be nice.
as i stated before it would be enticing to people and if they wanted to be test subjects for future updates then they would join kong... and wouldnt really be a test is everybody got it lol that would just be an update/new content. facebook has a large pool of players gaining/losing em daily kong on the otherhand on a good day has 300 give or take. it is never good to test a product with the masses for obvious reasons such as if update isnt recieved well by those masses more players quit/leave but if it is a small group like us on kong/armor we want to be the test subjects for future updates. im basically just repeating myself everytime i answer lol but it wouldnt make sense to have the main platform the test platform for updates kong/armor on the other hand it would because of player count, encourage people who want to be a part of it go there ect. i was just curious what are your reasons for wanting FB to get it?
IM all up for a bit of Beta testing. As you say - might encourage some new players to open accounts on Kong/Armor. Anything that gets new players in is a +1 from me.
Yes Dunk. These are the same games. Just a different website to play them on. Give Kong or Armor a try.
i think merging all platforms would/needs to happen fb zs is dieing to once upon a time over 10k joining wb now 3,5k if were lucky...
I don't play zs, but I can see the potential for fun there. However, the only problem would be that those whose accounts are big fish on Armor/Kong, would find themselves to be minnows on fb (if those platforms were merged), possibly messing up their whole game play.
man arent you just a mean guy lol if you dont like the idea just say it and move on no need to linger and keep insulting us. Also you dont have room to insult a platform you havnt played/tried before. i thnk kong is the best platform to play on (i play on all 3 of them)
3.5k... that is alot of people still but i know what you mean these games on all platforms have been in decline, i think some advertising needs to be in place or something to get more to know about the game get some fresh blood in here, one major thing that is a turn off for newer player is the high lvl peeps they see em and feel intimidated
Nooo to merging!! It would make those who have an account on FB, Kongregate or Armor have to decide which character on a game they want to keep. For those who spend money on their characters, you've also just cut into Kano's profit margin by combining the platforms into one. I don't play ZS on any platform. Each game has its own set of problems. Just have to deal with the loss of players and try to recruit people to play the game.
Actually Kong & Armor are already merged and playing together on the same game. And, it is not against Kano rules to have a character on each platform, as long as the two accounts aren't "helping each other." As for me, one account on one platform is plenty. I am against having the two merge with FB, because the FB accounts have been around much longer and would blow Armor/Kong players out of the water, with their greater strength in play.
I agree Chastity. However, you can have two different characters on Kong and Armor. One on Kong and one on Armor. So if all platforms merged, you would have to make a choice between characters. This was my point. The choosing of one character to fill the bill for all your characters from different platforms. I think that we'd see many people leaving the games if they merged.