Changes to the Raid Event Effective October 8

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Oct 7, 2015.


    GATMAN Active Member

    isnt a teer one there like lvl 1 - 4000 though?
  2. Rhenkle1

    Rhenkle1 Active Member

    Tier 1 is up to level 2000. Or is it 1500?
  3. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    it depends on the game, but i'm pretty sure it's nowhere near 4k. you would have to check the individual game thread for each raid event to verify whether or not any changes were made to the level ranges for the tiers.
  4. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

  5. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    It looks like this suggestion was heard, since there are now separate threads for new raid event announcements ONLY for each game.
  6. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Mi7ch, your developers have some explaining to do, because the above is NOT working at all.

    Killing raid twice
    Attacks after two party kill
    Setting other players up to take the fall

    Raid owner here has done nearly 400 million damage and done 195223 actions for which he sees nearly no xp because of your mistake. I've asked him to complain.

    Raid two:
    and attacks again

    Raid three:

    Raid four

    There are more raids he killed, I stopped taking snapshots, since I've already spend 15 minutes of my time on an idiot, that YOU did not even ban after last season where we complained about him doing the same, and asking for your developers to dome something against raid wreckers that set other players up to take the fall when they put the party at 2-5k health.

    Everyone in these raids should complain and get compensated according to their actions, since your code is not even active.

  7. Costline

    Costline New Member

    Couldnt agree more,this is destroying for so many people.Also waste of money for those spending that.
    Blue Nose likes this.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    anyone can kill a raid twice before they are benched on that particular raid, I think they can do it three times,( on two different raids ,More))if I remember right) before they are benched from the event, once benched on one raid they can only attack,gotta read up again on what it takes to be benched for the whole event

    Okay re reread, BTW an owner does not lose XP on his raid if it is wiped by the owner or anyone else, sure it can reset the health but the owner does not lose, of course unless no one bothers with it anymore,I have seen on FB owners open their own raid and perish it over and over then post it in WC or jobs, :(
  9. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Did you even read the quote I had copied from Mi7tch :)
  10. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    No I reread , Kano's (Mitch's post)and then edited my post, so without looking at all those screen shots, did one person perish three different raids twice?? if so then yeah something is off.
  11. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Same dude killed 4 raids, and killed a raid twice and was still able to attack, meaning both rules Kano claims is in effect, is NOT in effect.
  12. jahrista

    jahrista Member

    we complained about this guy numerous times during last raid season kano has done nothing about the account which was created 56days ago & has been made just to perish raids & or set ppl up to perish them
    so far this raid season he's destroyed atleast 30 raids by perishing them or repeatedly setting ppl up to kill them
    the owner posting tier1 links in job chat because they are trying to give the lower levels a chance
    after all the big guys have joined so we waste our time attacking the raid only for this account to join later down the track & undo all our work
    then boast in kong chat about how he can kill as many raids as he likes & 1 stam attack them all the way down to 3k health & then leave it there because kano allows it as it's not against the rules
    & he's doing nothing wrong
    u need to increase tier1 to lvl500 the same as BA & ban continuous raid killers from all future events
    or instead u can just listen to alot of YOUR customers both paying & free & remove the health bar in raids so they can't be killed as it already consumes far too many resources to get them completed in first place
    only to have alts created just to destroy raids come along & perish them
    Rambo, Jess, Aapje and 1 other person like this.
  13. jahrista

    jahrista Member

    dcasso clearly means the xp gained from each attack of the raid due to the amount of times the raid has perished
    & the owner is tier1 so that's a crazy amount of resources invested into his raid just to try & get it completed
    it's not fair on the owner nor the others in his raid
    Rambo, Costline and Dcasso like this.
  14. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    Please change the min tier on Kong to 500-2000. Younger accounts have no business doing raids anyway, so no need to let them in.
  15. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    raids really suck this time so many have done min. with no plans of doing more i have wasted so much this time around, I have learned the hard way i have said it before but unless its a new raid I AM DONE WITH THEM, i have done so many raids with 50 million to 100 mill. and noone wants to help it seems, the game is hitting a point where its sucks and getting very boring, I play with a great group of people love my time with them but im think its time for a break not total leave from the game but with all issues falling on deaf ears maybe its time to move on. :(
  16. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    you say this over and over we know this but these are the same raids normally being beating ever other raid i only joined the ones i thought or was used to them getting beaten. most have found out you got better odds doing alot with min. action to get super drops thats the problem everyone is getting tired of doing loads and getting crap, with way system set up it pays better doing the min. and this part needs addressed ASAP and fixed. Item rewards should be given by a total number of actions (total of attacks and heals) same with xp its time for tiered xp and reward items. also anyone who does 1/4 of the raid by themselves should receive a stamina and energy refill 100% refill for that fact we know they had spent way more than 20 fps to do that much to one raid.
    Rambo likes this.
  17. CazG

    CazG Member

    Certainly great step in the right direction.
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes I keep repeating it as a lot of us do, joining public raids is a gamble, and if ya don't want to gamble ,if the levels are not enough for you , then don't join any or open your own and invite the Right people, the People you know will help , if you cannot take your own down, IMO an owner should be able to take their own down, but that is another subject.
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for the report on that player on Kongregate who might not have been affected by the even-wide benching.

    I'm having the developer who wrote the code look into it and the event-wide benching was turned on during the event. More updates as they come. :)
  20. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    Why even allow the raid party's to parish? You setting the stage where people are creating baby accounts for the sole purpose of doing this. Raids cost serious money and efforts, it makes no since. You stop the raid party's from perishing permanently, and you stop the problem permanently. Yes I know the simple defense is to not share your raid links and this is usually the case on KP2 Mobwars but there are still some super friendly folks that give fate a chance and post their raid bosses for the low levels to fill, and they pay the price by watching some azzwipe killing the party off for their own amusement. Again it makes no logical since to not change the coding to eliminate the whole raid party perishing concept.

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