Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by G String, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. G String

    G String New Member

    I am disabled on facebook due to a certain boob reporting me for whatever he could find... You know who you are... Live long the Queen but anyway, Kano say i can still play my account via kanoplay, this is not accessible because you need an update on there provided by facebook to continue. Now FB seem to have Kano by the gonads and even on Kanoplay's homesite which is non FB related. WTH is going on?
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I would recommend contacting Support about this issue as it pertains to your account, they are better able to assist in those types of matters. :)
  3. G String

    G String New Member

    I have Mitch, it has been a few hard days of trying to explain, as i mentioned in the previous "Zombie Slayer App update required. Install Now" which sends me to the facebook page which i am disabled from

    Support have sent me to the usual "start again" sites but i used to play this account on Kanoplay and now facebook seem to be manipulating Kano

    Thing is, I like Facebook, I LOVE Zombie Slayer, I would happily stay off FB to play on Kanoplay. Can Kano not over-ride FB's demands on their own site?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2015
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I'll look into the ticket exchange that you've had with Support and send you a PM. If we're dealing with your account it's best to keep it off the public forum. :)
  5. G String

    G String New Member

    Noble as always, Mitch... I just wanna play my account without Facebook intervening & dictating what you should do on your own site
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  6. Tony Montana

    Tony Montana Well-Known Member

    Gotta love those BOOBS Huh G.. I agree with you.
  7. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    Serious you got banned? lol. I guess massive "faction" reporting works. Need to ask my faction to then sins that works........ BOOBS:mad:
  8. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    How very odd. I've never had anything like that as far as update. But perhaps it's because I've used kanoplay with my fb active. I have disabled by FB from time to time due to stalking and been able to still go to the game.

    I'd put a link to something specific here to see if a jump would work but alas, the game is down so I can't grab one :/
  9. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

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