[FB] Gifts

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Lugh, May 20, 2015.

  1. Lugh

    Lugh New Member

    I have problems with the gifts, To some persons I can't send them anymore
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    If their face book account is disable can't, but you can still send them gifts via KANOPLAY
    Lugh likes this.
  3. Lugh

    Lugh New Member

  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    What Jades suggested could work, so give that a shot. :)

    Have you submitted a ticket to Support yet about this issue?
  5. r8derbob

    r8derbob New Member

    I think the issue is more than just sending on Kano Play versus facebook. I just accepted all gifts received in the last day. When I try to return from chieftan alerts pop-up. I get a flash of a dialog box pop up. Looks like a spinning arroow briefly appear and then the box goes away. No gift is sent. I can't believe five of my friend in a row have had their facebook accounts disabled. Additionaly why do I have to okay the sending of a gift to someone who is not my facebook friend every time I send them one? I thought the whole idea of the invite codes was so that you could accept clan mates without actually having to be their facebook friend. This worked in the past just fine. Now it is a major annoyance.

    Even if I open my clan mates profile in a new tab, I canot send them a gift. Get the same flash of a popup. There are some that I click that send right away, some that say I already sent a gift, but the large majority give me the gift selector screen. When I click on proceed to send. I get the flash of popup or sometimes even nothing. Gifting definitely has issues beyond dead facebook accounts.

    By the way, this comes and goes. Does not happen every day, but I definitely have experienced it more than once.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2015
    monica likes this.
  6. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @r8derbob The "flash" when sending gifts on Facebook is unfortunately a issue that seems to have cropped up with Facebook's new API. A lot of apps/games are experiencing this and we're in contact with Facebook to try and get this resolved. :)
    Lugh likes this.
  7. Lugh

    Lugh New Member

    The problem is already solved a few days; thanks for contacting FB mi7ch :) the same problem is on the moment in Pirate Clan
  8. She devil

    She devil New Member

    I am having severel trouble sending gifts!!! From the accept page, familia pages and players link. Please try to fix this issue it pops up Gifts are a great way to show friends you care! You are allowed to send 100 gifts a day. The more gifts you send the higher the chances your friends will send a gift back! and goes no further, help!!!!
  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    What network are you experiencing these issues on? Are you having difficulty gifting one player in particular or many players in general?
  10. Jet Williams

    Jet Williams New Member

    Thanks for trying to sort out the gift issue @mi7ch
  11. r8derbob

    r8derbob New Member

    @mi7ch I believe she devil is experiencing the same thing I am. With the flash and no gift sent. This happens on the "Chieftan Alerts" pop-up, from a clanmates profile page, and from the top friends list on the home page. It happens for me on firefox, chrome, and opera. It happens on both my laptop and my desktop. I am able to send a few gifts and then it stops. If I have already sent a friend a gift, I get a message saying so. But when it comes time to really send a gift, nothing happens. This is annoying and embarrassing. Makes you look like you don't care enough to return gifts. Please raise this issue on your priority list. You said earlier it was a facebook issue. I don't experience anything like this in the other games I play on facebook.
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I think that this may be a separate but similar issue to the regular "white flash" as that still allows gifts to be sent. We've got an investigation open for that one as well and I'll add your report to our list. :)

    Are you experiencing this issue with certain Clan members or does it seem to happen to random friends?
  13. monica

    monica New Member

    I am having trouble with the same thing. There is a quick flash and . . . no gift is sent. This happens mainly when I am trying to choose a different gift than the one that automatically pops up as a recommendation when you receive a gift. I have several newer low level players that I try to help by sending gifts that are out of their range to ask for yet and almost every time I change gifts it doesn't send. Any time I go to my Inner Circle and try to gift from there it won't send. I can usually gift from when people have me in their Inner Circle and I get cash, it will usually let me gift as long as I don't try to change anything. I mainly play from my laptop with Mozilla, not sure if that makes a difference.
  14. mark GT

    mark GT Member

    i get this flash after a few gift`s sendt then the rest is in flash land ?? .unshure if they are sendt or not
  15. AmyLea

    AmyLea New Member

    I am also having the same issues, I get a flash and no gifts sent. I hate not being able to send back to someone who sent to me I feel guilty as heck not being able to return gifts.
  16. monica

    monica New Member

    So, I am still having problems sending gifts! There is a brief flash and then nothing. I can send messages and assist on challenges and adventures but I can't change the gifts I send back to people and I can't send gifts every time. Just a few gifts a day then this stupid flash thing.
  17. Hellhavenofury:)

    Hellhavenofury:) Active Member

    It periodically happens and i have been playing for over three years usually it clears up in a day or so I never have to do anything it clears itself up

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