September 23rd- Developer Update (New Level Achievements, New Achievement Rewards)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    New level achievements have just been added to Mob Wars: LCN.

    New Achievements at level 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250, 2500, 2750, 3000. If you have already passed the level, you will have to gain a new level to reward the achievements that you should have.

    Faster regen times for Health/Energy/Stamina have also been added as a reward for all the achievements.
  2. The Ice Queen

    The Ice Queen Member

    Stamina - More in 1:43... :( :( :(
    That's still only 1007 stamina regenerated in a 24hr period.
    I have a LOT more than that.

    And I seem to be missing the Level 1250 Achievement.
    Level: 1449

    Awww fudgems... Joel is going to overtake me as #1 in Achievements becuase of the new Level ones.....

    TIGERS EYE TEK New Member

    Relevel Again?

    Errr so for those who have passed these new bench marks would have to restart their game from level 1 ?

    I thought you could not restart your game in LCN? I am wrong here Kano?
    Best Regards
    Tiger ;0) :p
  4. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    You will need to gain +1 level and you will be rewarded with all outstanding level achievements, so get to 1450 and you will get the 1250 achievement.

    We will be releasing some more achievements as well in the near future so stay tuned.
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    You are wrong and right:

    You are wrong about having to restart your game to pick up past level achievements, gain +1 level and your level achievements should sort themselves out.

    You are right about not being able to restart play, this functionality was never available in Mob Wars: LCN.
  6. quick question...
    how are these points added up? do i add each new unlock to the previous ones if so i would get 64 skill points per level i only get 5
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    The achievement reward does not increase the skill points rewarded per level, it is a one time payout.

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