[LCN] Mobile Version Update Log

Discussion in 'Mobile Version' started by mi7ch, May 29, 2015.

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  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    This thread will keep you up-to-date on the latest versions of the Mob Wars - La Cosa Nostra iOS app! EDIT: and the Mobile Web version!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2016
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hello players!

    Our mobile team has been toiling away on the iOS apps for Mob Wars - La Cosa Nostra and they are prepping to roll out a huge update. In addition to bringing in a long-requested PvP feature, this update will also tickle your eardrums with new music and sound-effects that were made in-house!

    Here is a list of changes that will be in place for the next update:

    Mob Wars - La Cosa Nostra v 1.7

    • Added Syndicate Wars
    • Improved interface for purchasing Property and Inventory
    • Added music and sound effects
    • Improved interface for switching between servers (Facebook and Kano Play Server 2)
    • Various bug fixes
    Since this update changes quite a few things for the game, the developers are thirsty for feedback! If you experience any issues with the updated interface, the Wars, the new sound or if you have thoughts about the update in general we’d love to hear about it! Leave a comment in this thread and I’ll forward it to the developers. As a reminder, bug reports that lead to a fix are always appreciated and rewarded. :)

    We are always working to improve the mobile experience so stay tuned to this forum for updates!

    Mob Wars - LCN on the iTunes App Store
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey all,

    We’re rolling out a new patch for Mob Wars - La Cosa Nostra for iOS today!

    Mob Wars - LCN for iOS is now ready for its soft global launch! That’s right, Mobsters all over the world can log in with their Facebook or Kano Play accounts and expand their criminal empire on the go! Make sure to click on the link to the App Store below and give the app a try!

    Mob Wars - La Cosa Nostra on the iOS App Store! - Now Available Worldwide!

    Mob Wars - LCN v 1.8.5

    • New Challenges interface
    • Improved loading screen
    • Starter Packs
    • Various bug fixes and improvement

    As always, please let us know if you experience any bugs or issues either here in the forum or by contacting Support via the app (click on “More” on the bottom right, then “Support” when the menu opens).

    Please be aware that if you search for the Mob Wars - LCN app on Facebook iOS, you will be taken to the App Store version of the game!
    DBlock00 likes this.
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Attack the Raid Boss on the go!

    The Mob Wars - LCN mobile app has been updated to include the functionality to summon and attack Raid Bosses! From the Home page, click on the Boss icon. From there you can see the status of your Raid Boss under the Raid Boss icon. Scroll the Boss bar all the way to the right to see "Ally Bosses" to attack other player's Raid Bosses!

    Mob Wars - LCN on iOS
    Carl Stahls likes this.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars - LCN v 1.10

    • Discount Favor Point offers enabled for desktop parity
    • Fixes for linking issues
    • General updates and improvements
    • User interface and experience updates and improvements
    Mob Wars - LCN on iOS

    Remember to update to the latest version for the best experience and please pass along any feedback you may have!
  6. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars - LCN v 1.13

    • Added Battle Arena functionality
    • Added ability to purchase Crates
    • Added Fight Drops functionality
    • Bug fixes and stability improvements
    • New game icon and loading screen!

    Mob Wars - LCN on iOS

    Remember to update to the latest version for the best experience and please pass along any feedback you may have!
    MobMan likes this.
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars - LCN v 1.14


    Invite and Share re-design
    Random target PvP option
    Optimized first time user experience
    New Chat Groups


    Bug fixes and usability improvements

    Mob Wars - LCN on iOS

    Remember to update to the latest version for the best experience and please pass along any feedback you may have!
  8. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars - LCN 1.14.1068

    • Optimized Skill allocation
    • Blank list fix on City
    • Battle menu disappearing fix
    • Chat window covered Accept/Ignore gifting button
    • Suppress Turf Wars unlock display
    • Heal fix collapsing favor page
    • Raid layout highlight clarifications
    • Hitlist Blitz functionality
    • Added pack buy corner discount image
    • Pack refills substituted with equivalent FP
    • 275 FP discounted points option added
    • Daily rewards button layout update
    • Fixed collect button bug with Arena
    • Starter pack banner added Favor page

    Mob Wars - LCN on iOS

    Remember to update to the latest version for the best experience and please pass along any feedback you may have!

    Please note this update applies to http://lcn.kanoplay.com/mobile as well!
    naughty but nic3 likes this.
  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars - LCN 1.14.1450
    • Daily Goals feature added-Fixed more games icon
    • Fixed hidden fight list random battle button
    • Minimized chat interface
    • Fixed header cash value formatting
    • Optimized game history management
    • Calendar start time now shows
    • Memory optimizations in Jobs/Fights/Bosses
    • Header attribute layout optimizations
    • Added home page Arena button
    • War next event time formatting fix
    • Fixed bottom menu flicker bug
    • New FAQ/Help layout and content
    • Improved adventure and location progress
    • Skill allocator tips and warnings
    • Updated layout for multi item pay packs
    • Optimized chat messaging behavior
    • Fixed empty random fight list issue
    • Fixed double drop items in responses
    • Stockpile grow mob tips and modals
    • Loading animation and refresh option
    • Leaderboard view fixed for Wars and Arena
    • Tutorial view updates and arrows fix
    Mob Wars - LCN on iOS

    Remember to update to the latest version for the best experience and please pass along any feedback you may have!

    Please note this update applies to http://lcn.kanoplay.com/mobile as well!
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars: LCN v 2.14

    Our latest update features a bunch of bugfixes and performance improvement! Note that as usual these apply to lcn.kanoplay.com/mobile as well.

    • Ensured the raid bosses' watches are synchronized properly for Daylight Savings Time. They're so forgetful!
    • If you gain two levels really close together, sometimes you might not have gotten rewards for gaining both. We fixed this and we're very sorry.
    • Installed the missing timer for the daily GP screen.
    • If you don't have enough FP to buy hired mobsters, you should now see an option to buy some FP.
    • Achievements are now collapsible, woo!
    • Made sure you get a confirmation after attacking a raid boss, especially when using the Help button.
    • The boss carousel shouldn't get stuck in the battle view anymore.
    • Purchase confirmations no longer hide the update about you completing a job.
    • Challenges can no longer be "disappeared" by swiping right or left by accident.
    • Turf Wars should jump to the top of the screen now, instead of hiding at the top sometimes.
    • Healing on a raid will no longer make you unable to click anything afterwards. That was our bad.
    • The Random Attack button will no longer break and give you a blank page if there's nobody available.

    • Crash prevention (including one at the character selection screen).
    • Animations should be a little snappier now.
    • We optimized some animations to save you some battery life and make sure your phone stays cool. (Less sweaty palms.)
    • The chat now tries again if it can't connect.
    • Back button neatly closes popup windows when switching screens.
    • Tuned up our grammar on the GP help page.
    • Should be easier to tap on the Stockpile button now.
    • You can now get back to the game if you tap to read an external document, instead of being stuck.
    • Fixed some problems with windows showing up in front of or behind each other.

    Running into issues we haven't fixed yet? Drop us a line here or at support.kanoapps.com. You can also do this via the apps; click on “More” on the bottom right, then “Support” when the menu opens.

    Check the app out at this link:

    Mob Wars: LCN on the iOS App Store
  11. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars: LCN iOS v 2.14.2

    Work continues on the iOS app for Mob Wars: LCN! Thanks to all of our players who have given us feedback on the app to help us improve the experience.

    Here are the changes you can look for in the newest version of the game:


    • If Facebook has trouble connecting, you'll now see a message about that instead of a blank page. Much nicer.
    • Similarly, if the app is having trouble connecting to our game servers it'll also tell you and let you try to log in again.
    • New starter packs and FP bundles are now available!
    • Fixed a frustrating issue where if you switched to a guest account on Kano Play you'd sometimes get a server error.
    • The game should no longer freeze periodically when you refill your war tokens or heal people using FP.
    • If you log in to Kano Play but then switch to Facebook and close the FB login window, you can now press the "close" button and it'll actually work and let you try again.
    • Cleaned up some weird artifact on the Sort By Faction button.
    • We double-checked to make sure we weren't sending notifications in the middle of the night by accident. Keep in mind these use your phone's clock, so if that's out of whack you might get an update when you'd rather be snoozing.
    • You will now be able to accept boosts from your friends via push notifications on iOS, whereas before the app might load but not grant you the boost properly.

    Please update your app to make sure you’re getting the latest and best version possible. If you do have any issues with the game, let us know either here in the forums or contact us in Support (support.kanoapps.com).

    Check out the app here:
    iOS App Store
    Gia likes this.
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars: LCN Android v 2.14.2

    Yes, that's right — Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra is now available on Android! We're delighted to be bringing our game to this platform and are bringing along a bunch of bugfixes to boot. For a full list, check out our previous post for the iOS version release (2.14.2) notes; all the cross-platform ones will come with the new Android app as well.

    Check out the app here:
    iOS App Store
    Google Play Store
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars LCN Android v 2.15

    Our first patch after release to Mob Wars: LCN on Android brings with it compatibility for older versions of the OS, down to 4.2 While performance might not be the best it does work, so install the app and give it a shot if you're one of those rocking an older operating system.

    There is the usual bevy of changes and improvements below, so take a gander.

    • Links for sharing from inside the game should now work smoothly on other devices, and will continue to improve!
    • We've added a quick access menu, so you can go between Jobs, Fighting, Bosses, and Home.
    • There's now some more info in the home page buttons so you can see your progress more clearly.
    • The app should now open properly from links outside the game, like raid boss invites from desktop.
    • Solved a problem where if you pressed the back button on your phone during the tutorial, you could get stuck.
    • Fixed some errors where the chat would freak out trying to connect to the server while it was updating or connecting.
    • The app used to sometimes give you errors when certain cleanup tasks couldn't get a good connection. These are fixed automatically later on, so we turned the warnings off.
    • The app will no longer continue to play music and load if you go to the home screen right after opening it.
    • Boosts will now correctly show when your next one is available, and how much of your max you'll get!
    • If you do the tutorial as a guest, you should no longer see a blank page when you're supposed to be able to buy land.
    • Adrenaline boosts will now work properly on mobile.
    • The purple pop-up explaining how to use FP will now only show up if you are eligible to use an energy boost.
    • The Battle Arena banner will no longer show up if you're too low level to participate. You'll get there soon, don't worry!
    • We patched an error where a certain kind of purchase could get stuck and not complete.
    • Fixed a problem where our system had trouble automatically spinning up additional servers if we scheduled two things at the same time.
    • Should now run on operating systems as far back as Android 4.2. A little slow, but it works.
    Please make sure to keep your app up to date to get the best possible experience. If you do happen to run into any issues, please let us know either here in the forums or in Support.

    Try the app out:

    iOS App Store
    Google Play Store
    Rodger Benge likes this.
  14. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars LCN iOS Update v 2.15

    Much like the Android app last week, the iOS is now getting its update to the latest version. A lot of the fixes will be similar, but obviously this patch won't have older Android OS compatibility in this update because it's just not needed.

    We're still working on syncing updates, but for the foreseeable future the two versions will have separate announcements. We'll do our best to call our version specific changes where we need to so you're in the know about your preferred OS.


    -Links for sharing from inside the game should now work smoothly on other devices, and will continue to improve!
    -We've added a quick access menu, so you can go between Jobs, Fights, Bosses, and Home.
    -There's now some more info in the home page buttons so you can see your progress more clearly.
    -The app should now open properly from links outside the game, like raid boss invites from desktop.


    -Fixed some errors where the chat would freak out trying to connect to the server while it was updating or connecting.
    -The app used to sometimes give you errors when certain cleanup tasks couldn't get a good connection. These are fixed automatically later on, so we turned the warnings off.
    -Boosts will now correctly show when your next one is available, and how much of your max you'll get!
    -If you do the tutorial as a guest, you should no longer see a blank page when you're supposed to be able to buy land.
    -Adrenaline boosts will now work properly on mobile.
    -The purple pop-up explaining how to use FP will now only show up if you are eligible to use an energy boost.
    -The Battle Arena banner will no longer show up if you're too low level to participate. You'll get there soon, don't worry!
    -We patched an error where a certain kind of purchase could get stuck and not complete.

    Please make sure to keep your app up to date to get the best possible experience. If you do happen to run into any issues, please let us know either here in the forums or in Support.

    Try the app out:

    iOS App Store
    Google Play Store
    naughty but nic3 likes this.
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars LCN iOS/Android update v2.15.4

    Welcome to our first simultaneous update for the iOS and Android apps! This isn't a huge update but we are cleaning up some of the less appealing parts of our UI and fixing some odd bugs.

    Please make sure to update your app to the latest version to get the best experience! If you're having any issues please let us know in the mobile feedback thread or through Support.

    -Your fight list will now show Whacked opponents if you are level 250 and above, down from 500.
    -Lower level players should no longer get empty Fight lists quite so often thanks to a few changes to polling.
    -When you defeat a boss, you'll now see the XP you earned just by completing it, instead of all the XP you got throughout.

    -We've added an error message so you'll know when you click on an expired or invalid boss link, and won't just see the home page.
    -Cleaned up some garbage text in another error message.
    -If you have no properties and therefore no income, payouts from calendars will no longer say "NaN" but just show 0 coins.
    -Values over 1000 should now have commas, i.e. "1,000,000"
    -If you try and heal during a raid but don't have enough energy, you will no longer crash the app sometimes.
    -Added links for More Games so you can check out our other apps for Android and iOS!
    -The gift wishlist screen should load much faster now.
    -Values below 10,000 will no longer be abbreviated, it made them kinda hard to understand.
    -After visiting the create a guild page, if you leave the screen you won't get stuck and have to go to the home page before it works.
    -Cleaned up an issue where you tried to view a faction from the leaderboard and a player's profile would show up instead.
    -Stopped the adventure list from refreshing immediately when you load the page after an action, making for quicker adventuring.
    -Cleaned up our calendar doors so they have nice crisp edges.
    -Tapping the current location no longer makes it say it's locked.
    -Shareable links should no longer break when you paste them into a web browser, even though they were clickable before.
    -The GP you earn from Jobs should now always show up, whereas previously sometimes it wouldn't on Android.
    -Links in PMs should now more easily convert to clickable links.

    Try the app out:

    iOS App Store
    Google Play Store
    naughty but nic3 likes this.
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Another update for the mobile apps and the mobile site today. We're fixing up some bothersome Chat bugs as well as an invite problem that has been plaguing the apps for a little while. There are also some other improvements and adjustments to make the experience smoother and more appealing.

    Please make sure to update your app to the latest version to get the best experience! If you're having any issues please let us know in the mobile feedback thread or through Support.

    - Corrected the level calculation for "Honorable" Hitlist/Bounty targets so players should no longer see a range of exactly their current level
    - Battle Arena target lists will no longer reset after Death
    - The Skill Point allocator is now more responsive
    - You can now send public messages to players you select from Fight/Battle list


    - Fixed a bug that prevented players from reporting Chat posts
    - Fixed an issue that was preventing players from joining group chats
    - Added players image to new players Chat
    - Corrected a problem where the Chat window wouldn't open when clicked
    - Clicking on a Raid Boss link in Jobs Chat will no longer send you to the home page
    - Cleaned up the social feed filter
    - Added Achievement progress to the Goals screen
    - Clicking My Mob/Clan will no longer open the Alert tab
    - Backing out from an active Challenge will now take you to the Challenge page instead of Home
    - Added functionality to check for an update when the app is "backgrounded" for long periods of time
    - Pending invites will no longer say "invalid invite" when accepting
    - Added Wars stats to player tab
    - Clicking to "there's a problem" in Feedback will open the correct screen

    Try the app out:

    iOS App Store
    Google Play Store
    naughty but nic3 likes this.
  17. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars iOS/Android Update v 2.16

    In this update we're adding in the much-request compatibility for the High Roller Challenge! We're also fixing some World Chat bugs and improving the performance of that feature as well as some other pesky glitches relating to Gifting and player images.

    Please make sure to update your app to the latest version to get the best experience! If you're having any issues please let us know in the mobile feedback thread or through Support.

    - Added compatibility for the High Roller Challenge


    - Fixed up a bug that was causing images to not load in chat
    - Improved overall performance of the World Chat
    - Better logic around when the prompt to rate/review the app will pop up
    - Fixed an issue where player images weren't showing on the Social Feed in Kano Play server 2
    - Removed a bug that was preventing some players from purchasing Favor Points
    - Corrected a glitch where you could send one player multiple Gifts in a day
    - Opening and closing the Daily Reward window on the Boss screen will no longer result in a black screen
    - Social Feed will no longer show requests as having come in 1s ago at all times
    - You will now be notified how many Bosses you have ready to collect on the Boss type carousel
    - Calendars will no longer end before their designated time
    - Purchases made through Google Play will now show the correct message when canceled
    - The timer counting down until you can use your next Adrenaline Boost will now be visible
    - Fixed the interface that was displaying negative XP for turning in Raid Boss keys
    - Grow Mob will now correctly populate with players for you to invite
    - The footer will no longer cover the Crates information or the purchase buttons
    - Helping on a Social Feed post will no longer show the success message on multiple attempts
    - Fixed an issue where player images were not showing on the Boost page
    - Added deeplinking functionality for filling Elite requests
    - Correct a problem where opening Chat from the Goals side menu would produce a blank page

    Try the app out:

    iOS App Store
    Google Play Store
    Harrys Mum, Robbak40 and Rambo like this.
  18. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars LCN iOS/Android Update v 2.16.7

    This is a smaller update that is focused more around backend changes that you might not notice but are essential for the overall health of the game. Not exactly the most exciting thing in the world but if we can catch potential issues earlier, so much the better!

    We did also manage to sneak in a few bugs that were reported to us by players like yourselves, though! Please ensure that you are running the current version of the app to get the best experience. If you're having any issues please let us know in the mobile feedback thread or through Support.

    - Fixed certain fonts that were breaking both the app and mobile web
    - Corrected an issue where players could not type in the Syndicate Chat after joining
    - If you got a Bounty kill but "lost" the attack, the cash reward would not show. This has been fixed
    - Pressing "play again" after completing a Calendar will no longer result in a blank screen
    - Various updates to reporting tools and automated tests so we can catch potential issues before they break the game

    Try the app out:

    iOS App Store
    Google Play Store
    Rsantos12n likes this.
  19. Scoughman

    Scoughman Well-Known Member

    Mob Wars: LCN iOS/Android App Update v2.16.7

    This update is a bit on the small side and it mostly contains back end fixes to help with the overall performance of the app. NOTE: the Android app is out today and we expect the iOS one to drop tomorrow once it clears the App Store review process.

    Of course this doesn't mean there's nothing on our side to talk about! While there isn't a ton, there are some quality of life fixes, a chance at some platform specific bragging rights and cleaning up the pesky inability to not collect War rewards on the app.

    Please ensure that you are running the current version of the app to get the best experience. If you're having any issues please let us know in the mobile feedback thread or through Support.

    - Purchase screens will no longer obscure the game after they're closed
    - Improve stability of the iOS app
    - Syndicate War rewards are now able to be collected on the app
    - Ignoring Invites and Gifts will no longer accept them or give the accepted response
    - Leaderboard integration for Google Games and App Store Game Center
    - Ability to follow desktop links to Battle Arena and Syndicate Wars
    - Attacking the World Boss will no longer leave the Attack button stuck on the page and will show you when you can next attack
    - Improvements around how asking for Job and Battle help works

    Check out the apps at these links:
    iOS App Store
    Google Play
  20. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Mob Wars: LCN iOS/Android App Update v2.18

    Over the past month we've released a string of updates that have all built upon one another. Most of these updates were changes to the back end of the game to improve some of the lingering performance issues and make for a smoother experience.

    In that time thought we did manage to slip in a few more updates and fixes that were suggested to us by players who use the mobile app, with more to come!

    Please ensure that you are running the current version of the app to get the best experience. If you're having any issues please let us know in the mobile feedback thread or through Support.

    - Can now view Counter Attacks and Bounty Traps on the app
    - Fixed an issue where logging into the app would incorrectly create a new player
    - Hits that don't go through will no longer play the animation
    - Fresh new app icon
    - LOTS of Performance updates and bug fixes

    Check out the apps at these links:
    iOS App Store
    Google Play
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