[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    haha and for health they raised it which i think is so funny after all the time we spent getting them to lower previous raid health, and we got it where it wasnt bad and was going good but they pulled the rug out, reminds me of south park freeium games you cant make it to fun or they wont pay..... Come on kano i know you want to make money we all do but dont make it so bluntly noticed. These boss's took too much as it was and now its even harder, when are you going give out free refills of energy and stamina for any raid beaten and if you did 10 mill. damage now you asking alot of fps to kill these things something as a kick back would be nice.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  2. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    After the april 1st scare of fb and the game on that platform, thats when it changed cause i can agree, but it was vc lcn pc zs, now im not sure have to watch the order
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  3. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    It's sad because the raids could work if some elements were tweaked. Last raids were 6 or 7 attacks to 3 heals, this raid is 6 attacks 6 heals, no matter how many people are on the raid :(
    GATMAN likes this.

    GATMAN Active Member

    Couldn't agree more! Im out of them for now on as well. Do one for the achievement and thats it.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey all,

    The developers and I have been going over the code for the Raid Bosses and as of yet we have not found any indication that something has happened to cause the changes everyone is seeing. However we are very interested in getting to the bottom of this and making future Raid Bosses events worthwhile.

    To that the end the developers are committed to exploring ways to get the higher levels the XP boost they have been asking for and we will continue to review the code for this Raid Boss and take your feedback to heart for the next round.

    In the interest of transparency, one of the developers and I have gone over all the code changes to the Raid Boss since early January and comprised the following nicely formatted list. This is to show what has changed with the Raid Boss and when and that there are no undisclosed changed going in. :)


    Gold text is from the Raid Boss specific change log. Green text is from the regular Boss change log. Because Raid Boss changes come from two areas of the code, this is to differentiate what comes from where. If you viewed this log early and there was only gold text, that is because the post only contained the changes from the Raid Boss log. This has since been updated.

    April 28, 2015

    Raid Boss Summon
    • Fixed an issue where players were able to summon more than one Raid Boss at a time.
    • Revised how the system checks if a player is eligible to summon a Raid Boss.

    March 20, 2015

    Raid Boss Party Health
    • Fixed an issue where Raid Party Health was not updating properly on users joining a Raid Party.

    March 19, 2015

    Raid Boss Kill Collection
    • Added capability to track an issue where some players were unable to remove a completed Raid Boss from their Bosses list.
    Raid Boss Homepage Banner
    • Fixed an issue where some players were not seeing the correct Raid Boss event time remaining on the game homepage.

    March 13, 2015

    Raid Boss Rewards
    • Fixed an issue where Common Raid Boss rewards were displaying with purple text and border on the Boss collection screen.

    February 24, 2015

    General Raid Boss
    • Added capability to track an issue where some players were not being added to a Raid Boss party properly.

    February 23, 2015

    General Raid Boss
    • Fixed an issue where players were triggering errors when visiting a boss with invalid user data.
    Raid Boss Attack
    • Fixed an issue where the database was running extra updates in some cases.

    February 18, 2015

    General Raid Boss
    • Added capability to track an issue where players were not correctly seeing all Raid Boss rewards in the Raid Boss reward table.
    • Fixed an issue where players using Firefox were experiencing unexpected page scrolling.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes a user would display one extra attack on their first attack on a Raid Boss.
    Raid Boss Experience
    • Fixed an issue where players were seeing decimal value Experience payouts, following a Raid Party wipe.

    February 13, 2015

    Raid Boss Kill Collection
    • Added players’ number of attacks and heals to Raid Boss completion message.

    February 5, 2015

    Raid Boss Player Join
    • Cleaned up the functionality of users joining a Public Raid Boss.

    January 23, 2015

    Raid Boss Attack
    • Fixed an issue where the attack Stamina Slider would reset to one Stamina following a failed Raid Boss attack

    January 21, 2015

    General Raid Boss
    • Deployed Raid Boss Release Tool to streamline the setup for each event.
    Raid Boss Energy Drops
    • Modified random Energy Drop payout (random Energy drop chance did not change)
    • Decreased cost to Heal Raid Party
    • Increased Heal effectiveness
    • Increased minimum actions required to become eligible for Raid Boss Rewards.
    • Added minimum Heal requirement to become eligible for Raid Boss Rewards.
  6. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    This is strange, since I am pretty certain you guys made a code change related to health 2-3 raids ago. Haven't looked in forum history, but I do recall getting a compensation.
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    You are correct, we are missing one entry from March 20 where we fixed the issue with Party Health not updating correctly. That was in a different log than the other changes, which is why it was missed. My post has been updated. Thanks for pointing that out. :)
  8. TheDark

    TheDark New Member

    is not fair that i spend some GF points on a boss raid and stay in first in my tier level and fourth of total helpers and get only a
    Decoy Stingray 178 Attack 134 Defense...
    Your Contribution

    dmg dealt: 28644664
    num attacks: 6800
    healing done: 1206228
    num heals: 4860
    all these attacks and heals for that???
    if so, i`m done with boss raids
  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    The Raid Boss owner is part of the tier levels as well, so if you happen to be in the same tier as the owner there is a chance they can out-contribute you. If this is not the case, please contact Support and they'll look into this for you. :)
  10. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    g-g-g-g-gäääääTTTT MÄÄÄAAAANNN. I luved ur steakhouse comment btw. I dont think we r addicted, its just a habit.
    Guys, lets be real for 1 second. Real talk for 1 second:

    Everyone knows the cash flow around kano games. Some dudes spend 100k bucks a year, and kano cant get their platforms active?
    Only on mob wars. Multiply that by 4x. For that cash flow going on I expect that u guys get the game active with more active ppl on Kongregate.

    Raid boss going on or not, kano cant get their platforms active, only FB is ok activewise but not that great.
    This is why I will only watch the game the next 6 months and look if u guys do just 1 thing to bring in more peeps.
    Alright, rant over. U guys better analyze cuz that was real talk right there. Period.
    GATMAN likes this.
  11. TheDark

    TheDark New Member

    The Boss owner is in another tier.. i have contacted the Suport and now i will wait for a awnser. thx
  12. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    I strongly recommend the development team look at the relationship between the total health of a raid boss and the damage/heal rate in their math formula. NO CHANGES TAKING PLACE IN THIS RAID IS THE PERFECT EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THE DAMAGE AND HEAL AMOUNTS ARE GREATLY REDUCED IN THIS RAID.

    This months' raid has a boss with an 6.1% increase in overall health.

    I have entered and assisted in 6 Raids ( I usually do about 40-50 but wont be doing anymore than a couple for now on)

    Numbers don't lie or mislead, pretty direct evidence of the issues, and my numbers are as follows

    This raid my damage average is 86,306 per 20 stam used: My Healing average is 4853.45
    Last Raid my damage average was 90033.68 per 20 stam used: My healing average was 7007.58 which is based on the averaging of 33 of the 42 raids i was in last month (I didnt record the stats from 9 of them)

    My healing average is down by 30% (That's such an extremely-huge-ginormous amount of a decrease)
    My attacking average is down by slightly over 4% even though my account strength is up considerably more than last month from my adding a few hundred skill points into attack and purchase of better load-out weapons

    I have all the stats in a spreadsheet, with links to each raid boss if your developers need this to notice the trend that WE ALL are trying to point out.

    Also, the Energy drops have greatly decreased as well. I understand this is random, just know your "randomizer" is showing us no love.


    Captain Of Industry likes this.
  13. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    wow gatman is a number man to bout time someone else throwing them out i did it about 3 months ago and got no where
  14. Dennis Foster

    Dennis Foster New Member

    The big problem with the Raid Bosses is that the exp's are not equal between all levels. When a low level player does the minimum of 1k attacks and 1K heals, they level 2 to 3 times, but a higher levels does the same, just a few exp's. Not making the Raid boss worth the energy or stamina. Why should a newbie benefit more than a long time loyal player? Please don't replay with some lame excuse, just fix the problem!
  15. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Lame excuse=
    • They are weak as feck and can't handle their own level
    • Higher level players get more PVP
    • Bounty price absolutely sucks=more bounties
    • I could go on but won't.
    I do agree it sux, but punish them.... LOL:)
  16. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    I, honestly, don't think I'm going to get anywhere either. Raid's are just going to be something for the low levels to have fun with or they will be removed. I'm fairly certain that most, if not all, high level players have backed off spending currency on the raids Economics is usually a great motivator: Kano isn't giving us our "money's worth" so kano isn't going to be getting as much of our money.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  17. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    well of course ur healing and damage dealt is DOWN, its cuz the boss is HARDER to defeat than the last one.
    It is meant to be this way and designed by Kano.

    Key drop rate is still random, sometimes i spent 5k energy to get 4 keys, sometimes only 1k.

    and what about the artwork. its krov bratva gang, so cool
    Kirsten likes this.
  18. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    I appreciate that the Raids become harder to defeat each time but sure i don't mind having to do more attacks to try and kill it but when it's demanding way more energy than usual then this is the downfall. Lcn are a bunch of strange folk they are quite willing to pay for stamina refils but the energy refils in most eyes is a big no no...I'm in that catagory.

    The heal amount should have been increased on a par with damage dealt just like the last raid. I did not see anyone complain last time about the problems we have this time.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  19. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Last one was a repeat and we was thinking maybe just maybe outta kindness of kano heart that they was tweaking it for our benefits but it seems the other way i understand harder but its a&d is almost 4000 higher than last raid. But it is what it is they aint going nowhere achievements been put in place, the only benefit i see is people not doing as much for the drops like we was complaining about.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  20. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    limit on amount of raids you can be in at any given time needs to be addressed, or option B if not after 36 hours into the boss if you have not meet min. requirements for the raid then you should be booted automatically for being inactive. Squatters are have become the norm. now wait and take spots sometimes for days doing 0. Makes people should they attack that one or not and move on then you find out you coulda helped and the boss died cause someone didnt do nothing for a few days and you could have chipped away at it. either way raids suck and i for one know now i will limit myself to very few.
    Easy To Remember likes this.

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