zombie shooter minigame

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by icedfate, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    okay this is going to sound like a stupid question but, here goes.........

    how come you have 12 slots for bullets if you can't have more than 8 at any one time?
  2. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    You can have more than 8, they are purchasable with UN points.
  3. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    What sort of gun holds 8 or 12 bullets anyway :p
  4. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    I see, so they put the empty slots there just in case someone wants to spend the cash.......wish I'd known that before leaving the game for 12 hours and coming back to find only 8 bullets and somehow running out of time for the game...I'm up to 8 wins anyway, I'll be happy when I get the achievement
  5. Lyca

    Lyca Member

    some guns in movies apparently hold about 50!! :p
  6. Big Ken

    Big Ken Member

    no movie guns hold a endless supply of bullets. :eek:

    BUBBADAV New Member

    Guess you never watched the A-team. They have automatic weapons that shoot forever :confused:
  8. Elly Scarlett Rose

    Elly Scarlett Rose New Member

    I completely agree. i think it is ridiculous. I work a long day and more often then not miss being able to complete the shooter because of how they limit the ammo we can accumulate. Unless, of course, we buy the ammo. I am disappointed in KANOS with this move
  9. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    The 1911 and Springfield XD-40.


    Hey, you asked. :D

    Edit: Wow, my phone has crappy picture quality. Sorry I can't find my camera.
  10. Jordy

    Jordy New Member

    I think it's great. Too easy would be boring.
  11. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    Yes, but someone of us aren't sitting around the house all day, able to play every two hours.

    Never mind the fact I work in a room full (52) of computers, all connected to a T3. :rolleyes:

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