Mob Wars (Kong/Armor) raid tiers

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Blue Nose, Apr 23, 2015.


Which tier model would work best?

  1. Three Tier (New)

  2. Two Tier

  3. Four Tier

  4. Three Tier (Current)

    0 vote(s)
  5. None of the above (Please post alternative)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I think it's time that the tiers were looked at again. When they were changed they worked very well. Now, I'm afraid, they're well passed their sell by dates. With the raids well established people have levelled... A lot. It's left most of the active player base either in the top tier or close to the top tier.

    Here are a few suggestions I thought I'd put forward. I don't know how much work they'd take to implement but I think all three would improve the raids and help participation and their usability.

    Three Tier (New)
    0-1499 (10)
    1500-2999 (10)
    3000+ (10)

    Two Tier
    0-1999 (15)
    2000+ (15)

    Four tier
    0-999 (5)
    1000-1999 (10)
    2000-2999 (10)
    3000+ (5)

    I think any of the above would help a great deal.

    In the top tier higher levels are becoming frustrated that they're surrounded by people who can't make as much damage as they can. Lower levelled top tier players find it near enough impossible to get a superior drop as they are up against players with twice as much energy and stamina as them.

    The bottom tier is becoming harder and harder to fill by people who aren't just reckless "noobs".
    MrVecetti, Japain, Deren and 2 others like this.
  2. Jess

    Jess Active Member

    Totally agreeing with OP. The low levels on Kong take spots and are being useless in most of the cases. I know it's good xp and cash for them, but some of the med tier players cannot afford to go all crazy and spent fortune on refills just to bring down a raid because the other members weren't able to help as much. With new tiers we would be able to defeat a party with no substantial loss of resources.

    edit: Also it'd allow more of the actives one to get in, since we wouldn't have to carefully select who we let in, due to the crappy tier rates we have currently.
  3. Lskz

    Lskz New Member

    I agree, the 1st or 2nd would be ideal. I find that the top tier is way over subscribed with much of the player base being 2000+.

    I also see many raids with 0 or very few players in the bottom tier all too often, either because people are lazy to find low levels to join them or the low levels simply either dont have or dont want to use the energy/stam to min them.

    Perhaps it would be beneficial to put a lower end cap on joining raid bosses too, for example say 500. Anyone below 500 probably wont have the stam/energy to min it and particularly if a level 1-100 takes one of the tier 1 spots he's gunna be doing virtually nothing.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
  4. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    I agree with the low end cap. 0-500 are useless and tend to just kill the raid.
    Kirsten likes this.
  5. Deren

    Deren New Member

    Nice post Mikesmith, I think either the new 3 tier or the 2 tier would work the best!
  6. Japain

    Japain New Member

    Personally, I think that the Three Tier (New) would work best.
  7. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    i voted for the new 3 tier,good idea... on FB/ZS 0-500 often do the most damage because they just level almost endlessly(not to mention people create accts just for this purpose all stam and nrg) but anyway 5 stars...
  8. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    This really needs looking at quite urgently. The top tier is far, far too populated now.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I don't go public and have maybe 3/4 low levels I invite cause I know them and know what they can do, other wise I don't bother to fill it.
  10. MrVecetti

    MrVecetti New Member

    There's a huge problem with tier 4, most players are <1000 and quit b4 they pass it.. the amount of people that fit that tier are far to high for a limit of 5.. I do love the new tier 3 u posted tho.

    An idiot proof solution for the raid killers would be a nice addition aswel.
  11. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Raid killers get a sin binning, it doesn't punish the raid party but the killers themselves can't join anymore raids that period?
  12. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    It is extremely bad this time around. Players keep moving up and with the boss being stronger, you need stronger players to finish it. So the math isn't working out right now.
  13. MrVecetti

    MrVecetti New Member

    i said idiot proof, not troll proof. Easier to disable the ability to attack on low health like on regular bosses. I don't understand why they didn't add it in the first place. The feature was there and the consequences effect a lot off people.

    Imo they should also add a damage boost depending on your tier to solve the issue aapje stated.
  14. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    i would say either 3 or 4 tier would be best. the top tier needs to be higher than level 2k or whatever it is now, though. there were quite a few raids that i could not get in on because the top tier was already filled.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  15. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    these tiers suggestions mentioned above will not help but make it worse, I suggest a 40 people raid but only after the 2 top tiers are filled and those slot are only available once these 2 tiers are full, that way this will open up more spots and make the raids alittle easier, also this would help will issue on raids missing most of the first tier the other 10 slots that open up once the 2nd and 3rd tiers are full can help make up the difference of the low levels in tier 1 that cant do much either. thats my solution
    Last edited: May 24, 2015
  16. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I don't see how more high level players in raids, who're able to do more damage, will make it worse.

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