Thank you so much for "Adjusted tiers on Kongregate/Armor Games (0-2000, 2001-4000, 4001 +)"!!!! They are working out much better! Some of the high-level players are up to their old tactics of taking a seat & sitting without hitting, but now it isn't "gumming up the works"
I'm feeling the same way; nearly 4000 energy spent & only 2 keys acquired, hitting the highest energy sucking ones, hahaha
Used 7,ooo Energy myself for keys on first boss... Separate issue, shouldn't this boss read as 'Level 2'? And since there is not a "Complete" notice with this boss as there is with Captain Boss Battles, could we look into an option to mark these bosses ourselves? (slide bar to 'close out', empty box to check, or to collapse a particular raid boss we've chosen) Even after doing just a few of these, the list becomes a mess as you try to sort out what kind of work you've done on each. Many are doing a hundred or more of these things. It's especially difficult if you're waiting your turn on any of them, and are having to come back to it. Off topic: A collapse option for each individual Coop Boss would be wonderful too. Outside the newest 5 or 6 bosses I've opened, I don't plan on revisiting the rest anytime soon. Thanks in Advance
No it is not a Level 2 because it is a repeat boss,so if ya already got the achievement ya not gonna get another one, kano did that with the last VC Raid also, we are now recycling the raids as far as a complete bar, many have asked a number of times for it.
Raid bosses were said at one time they wouldn't be a level number on them because they only come around once every quarter almost or 2 to 3 months usually. And if they did go back to another raid boss is to allow for drops and achievements only until a newer raid is made. Some items were better in certain raid bosses then others. Defensive and attack.
A new Raid Boss is coming to Pirate Clan next week! Raid Boss: The Cannibal Fleet! Thursday April 30 at 9:00 am PDT
OK PC Raid in a few days, we need the FB PC tiers looked at, and raised, the top tier needs attention, then the other tiers can follow suit. Leave any suggestions here, ,my suggestion is top tier at 6K at the very ""least"" 7 K might be better .
Tiers should be removed completely off raids and allow them to be accessed as regular bosses. Of course if you do this then there has to be some compromise also. My suggestion is simple get rid of tiers. Let a boss be killed twice before they have to get a new set of keys again. The concept of raids was perfect at first. But with so many leveling so fast now and beating the threshold down with each new raid. Eventually everyone is going to be in the top tier brackets sooner or later. So get ahead of the curve. Let two raids be defeated by the same person before they have to get the keys again. I am talking about their own raid boss. Not helping on someone elses raids.
Sure do wish something could be done about players who just take a spot with no intention of doing even the min, and sometimes it seems it is done for spite .
The one thing about having no tiers, as far as it becoming a problem, is if wanting to join a public boss,we have low levels who will join take a spot and never come back, as well as the higher levels who do it for spite, so unless boss are ONLY private, I see having no tiers as just another problem waiting to happen,most of the time in Chat for a game that is not even having a raid in process ,these uninformed new low level players are asking for someone to post a boss,with the lure of cheap fast levels. At the end of the day I really despise these raids,and what they have made the games become.
Tiers are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Speaking of, we've increased the tiers on Facebook this time. The top tier is now 6,000+ and the lower tiers have been adjusted to match. Kano Play and Kongregate are the same as last time, but let me know if they should be changed and I'll get the developers to bump it up. Please specify which network your suggestion is for!
I would like to see these people who just take up a spot and never really do anything, not even the minimum, not be allowed to keep joining raids until they complete at least the minimum or more on the last boss they joined. This taking up a spot, especially for the higher tiers, is getting real old with me. It keeps the decent players from joining a raid and that's just not right.
New Raid Boss - Cannibal Fleet. Starts April 30 at 9 am PST Changes from the previous Raid Boss: Adjustment to Facebook tiers. 0 - 2000 2000 - 5999 6000 +
This could possibly be because the Raid Boss summoner turned their Boss back to Private so that link no longer works. Try sending them a message and asking for an invite.
pretty sad we have a player so petty on kong/armor he says he will perish any raid he sees someone he doesnt like on it... care to fix this kano?