Funky graphics displayed

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Susan K, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    This is happening during the last week. The raid boss's health will be filled with green all the way to right, even if it's yellow to the right spot. Various backgrounds look funny. Recently, the "attacks against you" little button on the right has started displaying weird. I've kept screenshots if you want to see.
  2. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Yes we would love to see these screenshots! :)
  3. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    I put these up on facebook as well in a "screenshots" album. There's an example of bad health bars for a raid boss & a pirate boss, the "recent attacks" button, the bar across the top where the buttons for the other games are, and a funky checkerboard background on the menu (Home..Outbreaks.. Bosses...)

    Attached Files:

    The Navigator and Smack like this.
  4. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Thanks Susan, we'll take a look at these. I am curious as to the following:
    • What is your Operating System? (looks like Windows something)
    • What Browser are you using and what version is it?
  5. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Mail order pasties.... Alllll-righty then!!!!! ;)
  6. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    Using Windows 7, and Firefox 37.0.1
  7. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    Here's another variation with a striped background behind the "Lottery" title.

    Attached Files:

  8. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    Pasties are a Welsh or Cornish meat pie carried into coal mines by miners for lunch, reheated on their shovels over coals. The practice migrated to the UP of Michigan. The mines were gone by then, but when I was a child pasties were sold at roadside stands and by home cooks providing takeout. Don't seem to be anywhere else, so, yes, mail order is very tempting.

    I suspect you referred to the other meaning of the homonym;)
  9. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Nope, not me, Im pure and innocent :D - I love a pastie. Much easier to get hold of in the UK as well. :)
  10. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    This one has a location title bar with what looks like a piece of the adventure drop rotated 90% and tiled

    Attached Files:

  11. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    WTF is this? o_O
    Is your computer fine? If I were you, I'd probably check for viruses... just in case.
  12. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    Computer seems to be fine. No troubles in any non-kano game on facebook or in anything else. Protected by Bit Defender.

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