Why run a competion? That will only buy the devs some more time to ignore the need for a new city.
Kano HQ:
"Hey, the players are constantly asking for a new city, it looks like we actually have to listened to them. NOW." "Oh wait, there's a couple on the forum that asks for a location creation contest. That means we can actually postpone the creation of a new city since we can just throw a competition and keep the players busy while at the same time making them think we actually work on something."
A bit harsh yeah, but that is how I view it from the outside. Eight months have gone since the introduction of Antarctica. At that time the new cities were too frequent (loads of players, myself included, complained) so the players are partially to blame but to go this long with a lack of new location is just either pure indolence or lack of good priority skills on Kano's behalf.
I myself have been in Antarctica (in LCN of course, not real life) since mid-November and at this point I don't see anything that should motivate me to either spend on raids, BAs or plain levelling to get higher up. It's like I've reached the summit which is NOT a positive state in a game like this. I always wanted to have the highest location available at the time of its release and I finally managed that for the first time just after NYE this year (550 levels higher than Antarctica's opening level) thinking I finally would be at the centre of the attention from those jealous of my level or those that will just tolerate me so they can get a good boss in return (joking smiley). I was meant to be the King of the World (see the Titanic pose) but then nothing happened. Kano stopped releasing new cities and people kept ignoring me.
I now feel like the penguins in Madagascar felt the first time they finally got to Antarctica (to get another reference to the location). "Well this sucks!".
Last edited: Mar 19, 2015