Well the title says it really...I've mocked up some pictures to demonstrate You punch someone and see this Click that and see this Then when you paste the link into chat it looks like this What you think?
I like this idea...A while ago punch links inviting friends to punch disappeared on Lcn. Very often would be told in chat it's only a low level to then find out when you clicked the link it was a friendly high level lol.
if you loocked up in my posts i placed there a idea like this, and the Kanno sayd that the chat it will be little modified .... But, more players sustainning an idea should be greath.
Good news, this is coming soon! Of course, that's Kanadian soon. Not what you and I would consider soon.
R u kidding they took the links out of the Mute group in the word chat box, so I could not use them to the point I had to take them all and put them in my own group in that chat so I can whip punch slap whatever I want, cause they don't support that kind of stuff in their games anymore, cause so many are crying...
what you people need to do is start a Group up an Invite the ones who are willing to help you Punch certain players to death an that way u can gather up the links to put in there an No Chatting (Links Only).