Wow. Hell really has frozen over. And it turns out it took the Raid Bosses to do it. Very good post though. 
Mitch, I know you're reading this thread even though you're not commenting. And I hate to throw all this at you because you seem like a cool guy but if your not going to respond I hope you are at least listening and taking the concerns you're seeing posted here by some very serious players back to KANO. Yes, the simple truth is that many are doing Raid Bosses because they feel they have no choice. And when you feel forced to do something it no longer is fun. Many will just head for the exits instead in time. For the good of the game (and I don't throw that term around lightly) I hope KANO can see just how serious an issue this is and remove these leveling vehicles from the game before the damage becomes irreparable.
Last edited: Feb 22, 2015