Should We Enforce a Heal to Attack Ratio on the Raid Bosses?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Jan 29, 2015.


Should we enforce a Heal to Attack ratio on Raid Bosses?

  1. Yes

    52 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Party members not contributing the appropriate amount of Healing actions has been mentioned in past Pirate Clan Raid Bosses, however when I mentioned implementing some sort of enforced ratio of Heals to Attacks in order to keep attacking (say 5:1 in order to continue attacking) in the most recent Viking Clan Raid Boss the response was "no".

    Since Viking Clan and Pirate Clan are two different games, I wanted to get this community's opinion on a potential change. Should we change the Raid Boss to force players to Heal? How this would work is that players who are Healing and Attacking in equal measure would not be adversely affected, but players who do not maintain a good ratio of Heal actions to Attack actions would lose their ability to Attack the Raid Boss until they have spent some time Healing.

    Please vote on the poll above and let us know!
    adlib2 likes this.
  2. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    Nope, it has been proved that there are lots of people who like to heal for others so they can deal damage and manage the kill, remember it is a team event some like to heal some like to attack some just do their minumum requiriments BUT lets not forget that if I start a raid i wont let a random guy in it, yes there is people who dont care but you have said it! be careful with who you share your stuff. enough said
    chaosuk83, Aapje and George Burd like this.
  3. scarecrow

    scarecrow New Member

    My suggestion is that you make it an option to be selected by the boss owner/starter.......... If they are struggling to get help and have to open it to help and get a bunch of dopes.......then they can change the setting and make it active. If they open to only their Armada or group, then perhaps it would not be needed.... I don't know if that is possible, but would add to the success IMO..........
    Chasity, Aapje and blackthornrose like this.
  4. Debra Otter

    Debra Otter Member

    In VC we worked together. One healed and the other attacked. Worked out great. So if that's in place there will not be any working as a team. Yeah on a couple where an idiots reset Raid boss. Wasn't a happy camper Viking but several of us worked together to get the kill. XP sucks hen it's been reset twice but my dumbo thinking is working as a team. Just sit down and stop the stupid whinny butt crying about so& so didn't heal team up and work as a team! Enough said !
  5. Aintyerwench

    Aintyerwench New Member

    It is great when your group DOES work together... but all it takes is one selfish jerk to ruin it for the rest of the group trying to kill the Raid Boss. So yeah, unfortunately I do think there needs to be such a rule enforced. From what I have seen some people don't care about whether the boss is killed, they want as many levels as they can get (and you get those by attacking, not healing). I also have seen some people who refuse to heal one click more on a boss than the damage they have done - even if it means the boss will reset and possibly go undefeated... a waste for all involved all for the want of a click or two. If people are going to play like that (and they are) then you have to have rules like this that cut out options such as teaming for attacking and healing.
    George Burd likes this.
  6. Angela Brown

    Angela Brown Active Member

    i say no for one reason! tons hit while others heal! instead i think you should ban the players who are going around making the boss perish! stop them from doing more for the month! for one i am a healer! i heal while others hit! and as a team we have a system! if others did that we wouldnt have so many perish!
  7. Sick Em

    Sick Em New Member

    I am done with the Raid Bosses no matter what changes are implemented. The XP is horrible. It takes way too much healing to qualify for a drop. They also leave the bosses page a complete cluster f***. You allow idiots in to kill the raid and then the XP is worse. I can limit the damage someone does to my normal boss, Seems kind of ridiculous that there isn't a health meter the boss owner can set and once the health gets so low, only heals are allowed. Would prevent the raid from perishing. That's my 2 cents on Raid bosses and won't be spending another cent for them or on LCN again. I would advise other players to quite spending as well until KANO focuses on the players and not their pocket books!
    Aapje likes this.
  8. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    I say yes , i saw enough selfish players who just hit and leave raids in red for others to heal , i have no mood to clean after them so this selfish actions should end so if they don't want to spend any energy then make them is for the best !
  9. koo22

    koo22 Member

    You're all supposed to VOTE up on top, not just write replies...there's a poll up there. YES or NO.
    Kirsten and JADES like this.
  10. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    I think there should be minimum requirements for both attacking and healing, but not ratio. Hard enough as it is.
    George Burd likes this.
  11. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    No. It would be anoying and would slow down killing the boss forcing us to stop after every 3-5 attacks to make one heal action, and making me repeating this 10000 times I better give up Raids. Now on a boss I can do 10-15 attacks before the health goes to yellow, and after I heal up. I prefer it without any further complications.
    Maybe if you make a combo button: 100 stamina attack + 60 heal for one click, or a Super Combo: attack and heal until I run out of FP :p

    Maybe force healing only if the Party Health its in the Yellow zone or under, and in the green zone let us attack freely.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015
    George Burd likes this.
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    YES and voted
  13. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Well we already have the same guy doing the same thing all over again. Leaving the boss in the red. Running up his attack stats and doing min. healing. And this guy jumps on every Raid Boss posted. So he's making a mockery of this with every event.
  14. Marius

    Marius Member

    A great idea. Came across a few people just loading up on the damage and using it as a leveling bonanza, at the cost of other players having to carry the burden of healing for them. Completely unfair. It should stop the amount of malicious boss jumpers who just want to ruin other peoples raids too....
  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    There is a min, 2,000 attacks to get a reward and 1,000 must be heals, this is for the Extreme attackers who once get their heals in continue to attack, an outrageous amount of times and never healing again, and not cause some cannot cause they just won't,and go up 2,000 levels off the backs of everyone who keeps healing when it is left low. When a level 10,000 won't heal for example cause he says why should I ,everyone else will,this is the type of player this is needed for.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    This is not for the ones who reset, if I am on one that resets and I have my min in,I will not do any more
    George Burd likes this.
  17. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    ok so heres a thought raidboss drops to yellow xp turns to 0 on attack and boosts on heal whatever was lost on the attack, Would this not solve the problems and encourage healing, and be more fair for those who tag team one as attacker and one as a healer? This would have to be written so as boss goes to yellow all attack xp stops until group health has been brougjt back to 100% then the switch is thrown and xp returns to attack
  18. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    The XP payout already decreases when the Raid Party's Health is low, so in a sense this already exists, although is does not go down to 0. :)

    Bumping up the XP on Heals when the Party Health is low is something to consider, though!
  19. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    yes I understand it does I am trying to help find 1: a happy medium everyone could live with whether solo or group effort, 2: give the people who are abusers a no win situation where healing is the best option
  20. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    The problem is they already started , there are some players who won't heal , they get those min 1000 heals then they keep hitting leaving the boss in red all the time , close to die , then sneaky watch till someone else heals and hit back again . Is not fair for other players who use energy for heals to wake up and see again a almost dead raid and keep cleaning after someone else. It takes around 2000 hits to get those 1000 heals so the solution will be not be able to hit unless you have 50 % of the hits in heals .
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    George Burd likes this.

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