this has been a horrible change! lower levels dont have that much energy to heal or that much stam to hit with! so unless your buying refills over and over it takes wayyyy too much to even get min! i wont be doing them after these raids are over nor will i be joining anymore than im already in this go round
i have also seen many people in the community fighting over this! its caused more rifts than it should have! i refuse to take part in that!
there is a way! in the raid there is a small box above the weapons! it tells you how much you have done of each action
right at the bottom of the (boss attack menu?) (when u attack the bottom line will tell you)*** Num Attacks: 97 - Damage Dealt: 423,947 - Num Heals: 220 - Total Healing: 63,886.... normal bosses it reads **** Num Attacks: 10 - Damage Dealt: 1,602,553 - Kill Reward Dmg Progress: 100%
Gutter Camo 164 Attack 126 Defense for doing most actions in Raid?? This is why I wont be doing any more Raids.
If you did the most actions on the Raid, then it seems unlikely to me that you would have received a Common drop due to the special conditions under which a player can receive a Superior item. Can you send me a link that Raid Boss or your user ID via PM and I'll check into it for you?
Anyone who performs at LEAST 2,000 Actions (with 1,000 of those Actions having been "Heal"") is GUARANTEED a Reward Item - the "randomness" is which one of the six Items you will receive, and then what the Items type is (Superior or Common)!
@mi7ch - How do we determine if we have "Healed" the Raid Party at least 1,000 times? In the "Most Healing" tab of the Raid Boss it shows you how much Health each person has contributed to Healing, but it doesn't tell you the number of times you clicked on "Heal". I can't imagine this would be something players need to keep track of themselves..
In the box to your left, look at Your Contributions also under the boss itself it keeps track as you att and heal
Yep, Kirsten covered it. Normal bosses also have a "% to completion" for rewards that I think would be handy to have on the Raid Bosses.
2 things... 1. going from 250 total actions to 2000 actions is a big jump...maybe to big to start with...... and then 1000 min heals? at first they bring battle arena where energy allotment isnt rewarded.. then again they bring syn wars where again energy is not desired... that effects how people place the skill points they get.. now energy is rewarded so everything i have been doing with skill points i could and would have done differently had I known... makes me want to pull out my hair and yell "Make up MY mind already, KANO " and #2...whats the gig with the survey??? 75% of players say get rid of the bosses and Kano keeps bring them out??? Do they listen to the players only when it is what they want to hear and ignore everything they dont want to hear.? i understand they are trying to improve the game and keep it exciting and the labor hours already invested .. also u train people by prior actions.. like promoting the raid bosses a full week before they come out (the prior two bosses).. then i got one day on this one.. I am a busy guy.. i read raid boss and figured i had at least 3 days before they came out..or maybe fri... was it always a thursday start on the bosses? i dont remember I thought they started on Friday for some reason... was i trained to think they started on fri by the prior two? Sometimes KANO gives me headaches.... Kool graphics and such ... but darn can KANO make it easier for the players by getting some sort of pattern to get used to
The Boss's Attack strength doesn't affect the damage you are doing to it either, so I don't think that is a factor in what you are seeing. There are some possible explanations but we might need to take a closer look at your account via Support.
I think this is insanely difficult, maybe it's just because of my level I don't know... approx 2500 energy to get the 4 keys required to open up the Raid Boss, again in my opinion is insane, I had 500 Max energy before I started, meaning it would cost 5 refills to get the keys, 50 favor points, I know obviously this is just me, but for the XP rewards I don't know if it was worth it... Just thought I'd share my opinion. Thanks
I literally just asked in Kong chat, and it feels like everyone regardless of level is doing insanely low damage to the Raid bosses. I'm seeing numbers from 88-96k for a level 1400, to maybe no more than 110-116k for a level 4900, which is downright ridiculous. Over 3x the level and dealing barely 25% more damage?
That would be a GREAT implementation to the Raid Bosses @mi7ch ! Also, here is a screenshot showing exactly where to find your contributions (including the exact number of times you've "Healed"), as pointed out by @Kirsten
Also see Posts #59 and #52 in this Thread for some screenshots of the EXACT locations where you can find ALL of that information! I asked the SAME question earlier so I took a screenshot and put a big yellow arrow where that information can be found!