Gamer points

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Olsby, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Olsby

    Olsby New Member

    What actually determines where the guild will place with gamer points, since 16k is a must to achieve daily gamer points, what determines the placing when all 25 member gets their 16k ?
  2. Chris Groner

    Chris Groner New Member

    I think it is who get there fastest. If they all have their 16k at 12AM PDT and your guild has all of theirs by 12:01, they win. I could be wrong though.
    LaScepter likes this.
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Chris is correct, the placing is determined by when the Guild maxes out their GamerPoints for a season.
  4. Olsby

    Olsby New Member

    Ok, thanks for answering :)

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