Facebook VC arena

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by JADES, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    This was horrible, being "Viking" no way to tell who hit or haven't, saving targets upon attack could be useful upon attacking like in this pic, but what if someone attacks you in the middle of it?

    There is no way in heck can click off fight list with screen jumps to differentiate, who have or have not attacked.


    All I see is Viking, do I hit 1st, 2nd, 3rd? Glad went defense before even refreshing the page LMFAO.
  2. Rodney Rangel

    Rodney Rangel Active Member

    all i see as well,,its a shame
  3. JAMO2025

    JAMO2025 New Member

    the main aim for BA shouldn't be making it easier for the high lvl players to kill you (wich is what the 10 stamina attack does just like the 3 stam did when it was added) but to make it so lower lvls can get more attacks and kills and the best way to do that is when a player joins the arena the games makes 2 clones of that player, 1 would be placed in defence mode and the other left open to attacks, this way you would have 3 x the players in arena you would have plenty of targets at the start and as the game plays out new targets would become available. this would also stop players hiding in defence mode from the start thinking they can ride out the storm and claim a reward for doing nothing
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Forgot, why is the 10 slider automatic, when I don't need it? I'm fine with the 3 where I set it as...

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