I gather from the tenure that ...well were imagining this new plague on our accounts
and its all in our heads
lets see if we can dispel the plague that befalls us
As far as I can determine there's at least two different topics in the original post, so I guess I'll tackle those in order.
First the Power Heal does not confer any benefits on the lower levels or anyone else if they haven't put the work in to get their Health up.
EH SORRY , yes it does , it now takes 3 times as long to attack them to even the corner of their boost on average 15 attacks. where before ...with their NON health
it took 4 attacks
maby you are adding an unfair advantage to their buffer OR ITS AI again
The way the Power Heal works, which I explained in depth when I posted, is that it confers an additional buffer of Health on top of your current pool, which is influenced by your existing Skill Points that you've put into Health. More Skill Points in Health = more buffed Health.
i KNOW all about the health i ran huge health since the get go adding SKILL points to it ....
maby you'd care to explain how its NOT their advantage to be able to use it while trying to get a kill on the hitlist
why ?
should they be afforded this when...apparently to aid the boredom of healing on BOSSES
why ?
they now have a POSITIVE ADVANTAGE along with the AI they run
because befoe this THEY DIED trying to get a kill
if they didn't have the necessary health to run several attacks
only ppl who NEVER invested skill points in HEALTH
you have just spread the health BOOSTE to all ....without the skills involved in GAINING IT
I'm not sure many low-level accounts would have put all their points into their Heal stat just to give them a massive Power Heal boost. Additionally, the Power Heal does not give any of the extra benefits that having high Health does, such as dealing out more damage during Fights or punching. I've been using Power Heal in two of my games and I get beat down just as fast as I used to.
It's not something that makes accounts that did not put any work into Health suddenly unbeatable.
ARE YOU PALYING ON FACEBOOK ZOMBIES because we are all involved in this and all find the exact opsite
Secondly, Kano's Terms of Use have been more or less the same since this company was founded six years ago. No where along the line have we changed that to the degree that some people seem to think.
We cannot imagine that a character that we have played for over 4 years SUDDENLY become useless
impossible to gain a kill
impossible to get a pk fact you could never throw so many bad punches as has occurred since the health boost
Our position on alts, cheating, bots, what have you is always the same: the are not allowed to be used within the game.
and yet your in denial ......this isn't the joke of the week and its not a river in EGYPT.
CLEARLY there is macros and AI been used , its blatantly obvious, there is no way an account 357 days olde at l 2000 can attack the NO 1 Player 18 times in 7 seconds
and not die trying....
again ill ask you have you played the game lately , in REAL TIME
because we have screenshots of these miraculous achievements ....from your server that cannot even keep up with the GAMEPLAY as it happens. once the said AI is attacking you ...the game server cannot keep up, even to let you heal that PREVIOUSLY was not an issue .
nothing wrong with my internet
my computor all 2014 and amazing
or my character till you CHANGED THE GAME PLAY
We do look at every report that is sent to us, and we take action.
Facebook total of bans to date 50 , sorry if thats not giving any confidence
we can tell ......who's creating they give themselves away
and no other ppl coming from other games ,,, most are non plussed by FACEBOOK players and if they don't hit a click LEAVE
so the RAFT of newbies all suddenly KNOWING ABOUT 2000 CONSECUTIVE FIGHTS AND GETTING 15000 ATTACKS IN ....IN less than 3 days or achieving all the ,,,,,achievements for boos kills ...sorry but your game advice dosnet lend itself to that miraculous .....gameplay
Is the action that we take always going to be the action that the person who send us the ticket wants us to take? Maybe, maybe not, but to say that we don't do anything or tacitly encourage it is patently false.
your support is all about isolation
hence no one really uses it
72 hrs to a reply , add another 2 days if you send anything IN AT THE WEEKEND
and hey ho
sorry our server docent cover that
well try catch them out again .....despite screenshots
,mmmmmm MITCH anyone can see where thats going
fundamentally your not taking care of real players
I'm in the forums and in the games every work day (and often on the weekend) and I see what people are saying.
IM sure when you got the job weekends were there part of the contract
odd the most BLATENT abuse then occurs over the weekend
and none of the developers see it ????
really ??????
I understand it, and I know it's frustrating.
We have an ever-evolving set of tools that help us determine when an account is breaking any guidelines but what we also have to work with is perception.
WHERE are they because as its PERCEIVED to the players ....its A OK to run with whatever available script is around and go forth and prosper
till they catch us
What looks to one person as cheating or assisted play can be explained away with differences in Internet connection or any other number of factors.
Is this a satisfying answer?
No, probably not,
(.3 ppl working one browser IS NOT ROCKET science .... its a fact they brag about it but it is often the truth.)
Freezing is a tool that needs to be wielded delicately and should be used with precision to have the maximum effect possible.
I don't envy Support in their jobs because it is tough, but they do a damn good job day in and day out.
THEN let us see it HAPPEN....because a STOCK ANSWER ( COPY AND PASTE )
its boring
but its not hard work I PITY anneka and melainie.
trying to get a point threw to YOU MITCH
is as HARD WORK as it gets
check out the latest MAU for the game
2000 gone in a month
and you don't think thats not telling you something
I'm not sure what else you're looking for answer wise, but I believe that covers it.
Last edited: Oct 28, 2014