South Korea

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by JudyTucker, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. JudyTucker

    JudyTucker New Member

    I would like to know if there is any progress on getting a ratings certification for South Korea. I would think it would be in Kano's financial best interest to get certification for the country. People are finding Server 2 to be an inferior product.
    Angela Brown likes this.
  2. Angela Brown

    Angela Brown Active Member

    thank you for posting this.. i as well feel it is very unfair.. and it hinders the ability to play! at times our fellow players in South Korea can not even get on through kano! the server is very unstable! kano needs to correct this issue one way or the other!

    MATUMILLO New Member

    We here is the USA have friends in S. Korea and they would like to play on the same server we are on would you please look into this thank you.
    Angela Brown likes this.
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We are still working on getting a ratings certificate for South Korea. Unfortunately there are several road blocks which is making this a difficult process, but we are dedicated to getting this working.

    Also anyone from South Korea should be using Kano Player server ONE and not server two. Server one is the same environment as Facebook, server 2 contains the old Myspace games.
    Angela Brown likes this.
  5. HBD

    HBD New Member

    I 'm living in south korea and it work in kongregate server for south korean player.
    잘 플레이 하고 있어요~

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