August 20th- Developer Update (In-game History/Feed)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We will be releasing an update that will be clearing out your recent in-game history feed (you have been attacked by messages, etc). The update is required to free up a lot of resources that are used to add/delete all those messages generated from in-game activities and should improve performance of the game.

    A reminder of one section in particular to the Terms of Use for LCN:

    List of Things That Will Get Your Account Disabled

    * Using more than one account.
    * Using any kind of bot, script, or automated method to play the game for you.
    * Making real-world threats or slander to any other player in the game.

    If You Cheat, Your Account Will Be Disabled

    * No exceptions.
    * No second chances.
    * No whining.
    * No refunds.

    Automation is basically anything that is not you physically clicking on a link with your mouse (or other computer peripheral) to perform the action through the game, ie. directly accessing a link that is not available to you in the game through an automated means is not allowed.

    We have been silently releasing automated checks that apply to all players, if you are flagged for irregular/suspicious behavior that is found to violate our Terms of Service your account will be suspended. We will continue to improve this system and will not post any further updates to this community on it's details.

    If you would like to report individuals that you think are using automation of some kind please report them here:

    We will look into every incident but we will not report back the findings if there are any.

    Thank you for your help and understanding while we continue to make LCN a fun and competitive game for all to enjoy.
  2. :)
    Thank you for posting this..
  3. steal toes

    steal toes Member

    Hello Eric..

    You state the following..
    "directly accessing a link that is not available to you in the game through an automated means is not allowed"

    What if I access these links without automation, is that against the rules?
    I have been side stepping the FB interface for months now and I don't need any automation to do so.:)
    This had greatly increased game speed for me but after my last freeze, just a few days ago, I am back using the FB interface. When I go through FB the game is so slow I can't use all my turns unless I play for many many hours.

    I would hate to trip the "no sleep" filter, I hear that punishment is a real killer, 7 days, ouch!. :)

    Please advise.

    PS you guys should really think about holding versions of your games on your own, no Facebook or Myspace.. General public versions where you and players are not dictated to by Facebook and or Myspace. Anyway just a thought.
    Now you got that transfer code all done I would move over to a general public game if there was one.. I say, "screw FB before they screw you". LOL
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010

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