Hello Eric..
You state the following..
"directly accessing a link that is not available to you in the game through an automated means is not allowed"
What if I access these links without automation, is that against the rules?
I have been side stepping the FB interface for months now and I don't need any automation to do so.
This had greatly increased game speed for me but after my last freeze, just a few days ago, I am back using the FB interface. When I go through FB the game is so slow I can't use all my turns unless I play for many many hours.
I would hate to trip the "no sleep" filter, I hear that punishment is a real killer, 7 days, ouch!.
Please advise.
PS you guys should really think about holding versions of your games on your own, no Facebook or Myspace.. General public versions where you and players are not dictated to by Facebook and or Myspace. Anyway just a thought.
Now you got that transfer code all done I would move over to a general public game if there was one.. I say, "screw FB before they screw you". LOL
Last edited: Aug 27, 2010