None of the following images are like the ones i have in my mind, but i'm an orrible illustrator, therefore i have to settle with what I found around. Fortunately names + images should make the ideas.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET
-------------------------- SHIP ------------------------------------------ MATEY ----------------------------------- WEAPON
-------------------------------------------------------- Elven (Divine version)
--------------------- Ethereal Leaf ---------------------------------- Hush Guardian ------------------------------ Ebony Sphere
------------------- N/A -----------------------![[IMG]](proxy.php?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Energy
This ship brings serenity to those who see it: a deadly mistake for the enemies.
An ancient warrior so skilled in combat and sinuous in her movements that she seems insubstantial.
This otherworldly sphere can be used to mold the environment around it, if your mind and your body are strong enough to survive at its power.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Elven (Cursed version)
------------------ Cemeterial Leaf -------------------------------- Captain Charon --------------------------- Hellish Phayrpoon*1
----- ![[IMG]](proxy.php?
---------------------------------------------------------------- (I know, it's an orrible e.g.)
Made with the wood of trees grown on graves. if touched will make you want to have only death around you.
His sole purpose is to steal souls and drag them into the underworld. Death and desolation are the only things that remain wherever he goes
It kills every living thing that it pierce and harpoon their screaming souls.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steam & Fire
---------------- StealMelter Cruiser --------------------------------- Lady Etna*2 -------------------------------- Inextinguishablade
----------------------- ![[IMG]](proxy.php?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + incandescent debole
The bullets of this ship are not like the other ones: they don't explode, they don't smash, they melt everything standing in their path!
People say that she survived at a lava casting, but is certain that the beauty of this mysterious woman is nothing if compared to his combat skills.
After centuries since its forging this sword is still scorching. It is said that it would vaporize the water of the oceans before starting to cool down.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Trap of Rust
-------------------- Rusty Vessel -------------------------------- Bloodgear Jackal ------------------------------ Cutthroats Hiss
-------- ![[IMG]](proxy.php?
Thousands of curious and greedy pirates have found their death by venturing on board of this sinister vessel.
He was a common pirate, now he mutilates his victims and turn them into blood-thirsty creatures like himself.
While venturing into the darkness, the hiss of this cutlass has been the only and last thing that many men have heard before perishing.
1 Harpoon + Fyon
2 Etna (etymology) is a volcano on the east coast of Sicily
Mi7ch, I used this format in order to avoid a long post, I hope it isn't a problem. Otherwise i will change it.
By the way, with "item description" you mean some indication for the art department or a text like ""this majestic sword is said to be the key for blah blah..."?
Last edited: Sep 22, 2014