Introducing the Raid Boss: New Gameplay Feature Coming Soon!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Zoonie

    Zoonie Member

    Wow an new feature that isn't just a clone of another feature and furthermore, something that is actually going to encourage more cooperation than any other aspect of the game with the possible except of Guild Wars.

    Well done!
  2. Terry Agnew

    Terry Agnew New Member

    so would the drops be equal no matter what tier like any boss?
  3. Gordon H

    Gordon H New Member

    OMG! You guys have been over to Kings Road. Well this should get expensive.
    JADES likes this.
  4. Curves

    Curves Member

    reserving judgement; never have been a fan of games where you have to "collect" items
  5. Doug Maddadarson

    Doug Maddadarson New Member

    hope everyone understands how much the use of energy needs to be shared among the group. would hate to have one or two waste the chance of all the others by just attacking and not helping heal.
  6. Zoonie

    Zoonie Member

    Does this mean that there will be four different raid bosses and and some will be tougher than others depending on which location(s) the summoning keys come from?

    If the player has more than 4 keys will they be able to choose which keys they use to summon the Raid boss. Eg if they have 2 from locn. 1, 1 from locn. 3 and 1 from 4 would they be averaged to get 2.25 which is closest to Raid boss 2?

    Is there a limit to the number of bosses you can start or be part of?

    Is there a minimum amount of damage/healing you need to do in order to claim the award if the Raid boss is beaten?

    What form will the
    reimbursement for spare keys take?

    Just a few questions to be going on with :)
  7. bobby claar

    bobby claar New Member

    sounds like you guyz have been listening to they players :) sounds like it will be A challenge but we're up to it
    TabithaMoon likes this.
  8. Daniel Pejchl

    Daniel Pejchl Member

  9. Daniel Pejchl

    Daniel Pejchl Member

  10. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    lol I've played this type of boss fight on Mobsters 2 : Vendetta.
  11. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    This seems incredible! Nice twist :cool:
    I can't wait...
  12. Linda Dixon

    Linda Dixon New Member

    I really hope this is nothing like Castle Age's somewhat similar concept of a boss. It is the one reason I stopped playing that game and started (and love, btw) Viking Clan. Well, the annoying boss that took minimum 150 players to heavily invest in time, energy, stamina, and strength for bringing it down (with warrior/mage/cleric/warlock battle choices) and was impossible to do with only 75 people--the max most people could acquire at a time because everyone was summoning simultaneously. I realize my Kel (L. Lean) needs much stimulation (as the other super high levels do), but please don't take away the fun us lower levels have--I rather enjoy being the gnat of doom (at lvl 2775, I am a fierce gnat, but a gnat none the less to the 'big boys').
  13. PaganWench

    PaganWench Active Member

    Being forced to use Energy to heal the critter looks like it might make it a PIA for the Attack/Defense players - I think that most of us who try to build good strong profiles have always considered Energy the LAST thing we ought to throw our skill points into, so in this case the Energy players will be much sought-after, as strange as that sounds. In the words of the immortal John Lennon, "most peculiar, Mama!"
    LoopyOne likes this.
  14. LoopyOne

    LoopyOne Member

    Can't wait!! YAY!! Something new!! It was getting a little Keep up the awesome work!! I've always loved this game but REALLY getting addicted now!! :D
  15. LoopyOne

    LoopyOne Member

    I'm so glad I started this game dumping my points into What I didn't know THEN is now going to be an advantage..SWEET!!
    TabithaMoon likes this.
  16. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Woohoo! This is going to be AWESOME! Like LoopyOne, I spent my first months building up my Energy, then Stamina to get the drops and points from adventures and bosses. It made me strong sooner than most, especially when crafting was released. This Raid Boss is going to be so much fun! I've said it so many times that the only reason I'm even on Facebook is for Pirate Clan. This release makes my statement truer than ever!
    Kirsten likes this.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Every build as every character is different for different choices ,all have benefits and all have deficits, unless I guess a build is totally balanced, decisions as to how one builds can be changed over time, so if energy is lacking ,start now to raise it. For those who build for only" one" aspect of the game, IMO not the best way.
    TabithaMoon likes this.
  18. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Answered your questions above.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
    Kehvyn and TabithaMoon like this.
  19. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    to everyone playing on server 2 vc...i have over 3k max energy and will be happy to accept any boss invites sent to me :)
  20. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Demonik1 likes this.

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