My 2c about attack/ambush formula

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Dan, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. Dan

    Dan New Member

    Well, hello again to KANO and forum junkies :)

    Could you consider altering or adding something to your fight formulas to make fights/ambushes more fair? Here is live example and explanation of what I am talking about (I do understand fighting is a huge part of this game, so this isn't a complaint but rather suggestion).

    I often see something like this on my Rival Squads list:
    NoMau, Level 265
    19 attacks in 2 days

    and when I want to attack back i see either offline or Online Now! (In Hospital). Anyone from level 50 could beat the guy like NoMau because he's got absolutely no defense. However, it's impossible to catch someone like him out of the hospital. Current hitlist cost - Confirm Cost: $199,698,621 which kinda a lot! So, the only option is left to ambush.

    However, the ambush feature is one sided as after setting few in a row I am hit with Confirm Cost: $2,784,576 and it's going north from there. For level 265, burning few stamina is piece of cake and in return I get:

    a) Low exp
    b) Wins that will bring future ambush cost even higher
    c) Will lose even more money after ambushes are blown as he will get my cash by attacking, I wasted cash on ambush setups and see (b).
    d) and he will be hiding again so I cannot retaliate and the only option s to set up few ambushes that aren't exp/cost effective or to suck it up.

    I suggest that fro every ambush you have the following:

    a) Whoever setup ambush, lets say more than 10 in a row (or whatever number of attacks is setup currently before exp exhausted) , gets $$ back from the attacker (cost of ambush setup) even if he banks his money (only fair way to retaliate from ER hiders imho)
    b) Added wins will not raise future ambush cost and everything will be based on income solely
    c) pay their heal cost to get them out of ER lol

    any ideas?
  2. NoMau

    NoMau Member

    Here's an idea, you stop countering and let me attack until I can't get any XP from you anymore. It would be a lot cheaper than setting up all these ambushes ;)
  3. StormriderX

    StormriderX New Member

    The current ambush system does suck - costs too much to ambush a griefer really, so it actually just works out cheaper to let them hit you endlessly which sucks -_-
  4. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I've had this too and decided to just get attacked and suck it up. they left me alone pretty quickly. He should let you attack him now he's told everyone on here you have no defense, don't hit me or I'll kick your ass :D:D:D
  5. NoMau

    NoMau Member

    Many have tried, most of them died :D
  6. SteveW

    SteveW Member


    I would try just for shits and giggles but you have way more cash than I do and to hitlist me is peanuts for you, for me to hitlist you would cost too much! :D
  7. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    To my surprise you're only 70 or so levels ahead of me, I have 55% of your fight wins and 10% of your fight losses....interesting...very interesting :D
  8. NoMau

    NoMau Member

    Oh come on, one attack, I'm sure you'll win ;) I promise I won''t hitlist you....

    Regarding my fight losses:

    10% --> fights I actually lost
    90% --> ambushes

    What's so interesting about that?
  9. I like that idea Dan - pay their heal cost to get them out of ER
    THEN beat them up while their

    (joke there about bully before someone gets their arse in their hands and starts
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  10. Dan

    Dan New Member

    There is absolutely nothing interesting about that. Most people you fight are not in you time zone and it's so much easier to hide in ER and randomly come out to attack. If this game was not lopsided and BOSS had even att/def weapons, your strategy would be doomed. I personally don't have the time or will to refresh your page to see when you are actually online and healed. You keep on hiding.

    P.S. I am glad you are so proud of your win/loss ratio. However, if level 50 can beat the crap out of you, does that really show you have a strong boss...not lol
  11. Dan

    Dan New Member

    lol nah, i am not a bully and you know it :) I am just saying that NoMau hides and attacks when I am offline...I pretty much have no chance to attack him back as he's always in ER. He does give crappy exp as he's only health/energy and attack and no def. Nevertheless, would be nice to pay him a visit once in a while. The number of attacks is limited anyway ;)
  12. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I'm happy to let NoMau come an attack me. I feel like I can tick the ~done charity work~ box, by healing for him.
  13. Dan

    Dan New Member

    If this does not prove how dumb ambush formula is, then I do not know what will prove it!

    Catch NoMau off-guard between multiple attacks with a surprise ambush. Setup one or more ambushes to foil NoMau's weak attack strategies.

    It will cost you $37,626,024 and 2 stamina to prepare this next ambush.

    P.S.NoMau, Level 271
    13 attacks in 4 hours
  14. StormriderX

    StormriderX New Member

    Costs only ever start off that high if you've attacked back, it starts from a few hundred k normally, but to be fair it's still too expensive in terms of stamina/money after the first 3-4 ambushes imo. Plus it doesn't really deter people who just wanna blow through them and hit you anyway ;(
  15. Dan

    Dan New Member

    You probably did not read my previous posts. I did not attack him back.. at all! Those wins came from me ambushing him. So, 13 attacks in 4 hours (13 ambushes) would skyrocket my future ambush cost. In other words, AMBUSH is useless because I wont spend that much setting up new ambushes, therefore I am open for him to attack me 10-20 times before price goes down again and I will be setting up new ambushes - as a result losing more money and getting shitty exp in return. Useless feature IMHO

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