Hitlist Questions

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by prettynerdy, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    Ok, a stranger hit listed me a few minutes ago while I was away from the computer and when I came back, I saw this:

    You were killed by PLAYER and lost -708 XP.
    37 minutes ago delete

    You were hitlist attacked by PLAYER and won the Fight.
    37 minutes ago delete

    You were hitlist attacked by PLAYER and won the Fight.
    37 minutes ago delete

    First of all, do we get NOTHING for winning? And secondly, why was he able to kill me on the third try? I had *just* gained the one health point that brought me out of the hospital before being hit listed, so one hit should have been enough to kill me. But after one attack, shouldn't I have gone back into the hospital? Can we be hit listed while in the hospital? This whole mess just seems wrong (and I don't mean the fact that I got hit listed by a stranger I've never attacked or got killed, it's everything ELSE that seems wrong).
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    If your alive, you can be hitlisted. When your on the hitlist, whoever does the damage that takes you to zero health, gets the kill. Whether your in the hospital or not, doesn't come into it. If you had say 300 health left, he might have only been doing 100 damage each attack, so it took 3 attacks to kill you.

    No you don't get exp for winning fights when you on the hitlist. Otherwise people would get listed and heal all day leveling up from all the attacks.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  3. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I've been killed a fair few times when in hospital. I learned that lesson early:p
  4. its always been you get no exp when on hitlist.only way for that is if you go to your rival list and hit your attackers back if you want any exp and hit bosses if you want exp.

    i wish they gave exp but the highers could level forever by being on hitlist if they did that.

    and yes you can be listed while in hospital.thats so you cant hide.
  5. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    I didn't say they had to be rewarded with tons of XP, geez...

    I was under the impression that being in the hospital was somewhat of a 'safe zone'.
  6. that is exactly what is USE to be on the other apps.then too many abused that so it became where unless your dead,you can be listed no matter what.
  7. There are plenty of steps that can be taken to allow xp while on the hitlist, and at the same time, limit the ability of high levels to "endlessly level" off the hitlist.

    I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment, I should have left 15 minutes ago for work.

    so here is a quick one.

    max xp=lvl. ie lvl 300 hitlisted healing all day, can only recieve a maximum of 300 xp before they recieve no more xp from the hitlist.

    with the increases in cost for hitlisting, it's severely unlikely that many if any would be able to keep themselves hitlisted.
  8. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    If it get's changed so you could get exp while on the hitlist, There may as well not even be a hitlist feature at all. The point of hitlisting someone is to take exp off them.
  9. Lil' Ms.Mandy

    Lil' Ms.Mandy Member

    Are you asking why once you went to the hospital while on the hitist you could still be attacked from the hitlist?

    If the no attacks while in the hospital applied while on the hitlist, no one would ever come off the hitlist. My hospital cut off is around 700 health on vikings, so someone would have to catch me above 700 to attack me while on the hitlist and deal at least that much damage to kill me off of it. If someone only did several hundred damage, I would just be hanging around on the hitlist unable to be attacked until I either healed or gained enough health to be attacked again. Most likely the same thing would happen again and I would still be hanging out on the hitlist. It would be a never ending cycle and leave you open to attacks from everyone in the game every time you tried to heal to fight or healed enough to be out of the hospital.

    This actually happened on another app when the hitlist glitched and wouldn't allow anyone to be attacked in the hospital from the hitlist. One poor guy was up there for a week or more before the app company bothered to fix it, taking attacks and losing money the whole time.

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