There is a limitation, if you attack the same person too many times, you will get a message saying you have exhausted your cash/ XP payouts on the fight results screen. Have you tried ambushes or hits? Another suggestion, this one from experience. I've gotten into long battles with players, after it went on for a bit, I would send a Nice Fight message, followed by a ADD ME message. Most of my squad is comprised of my bloodiest battles. Same with Hitlist kills, if I pick off a much lower level during a hit against them and they send a friend request, I will add them to my squad. I hope it will be an unpleasant suprise the next time Attacker X comes calling.
Getting attacked is part of the game, maybe these multiple attacks are resulting in higher XP for the attacker. Who are you gonna attack multiple times> the person who gives you 12xp or the person who gives you 50?
p.s The UN credits you mentioned, everytime you level you get 1. Wait til they add up to 25 or 30, then buy a special item to strengthen your character.
Last edited: Aug 14, 2010