[ZS] New Achievements Released

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We've rolled out some extensions to four Achievement categories in the game today, and they should be available shortly if they aren't already. We plan to extend more categories in the near future, but for now here are the ones we've expanded today:

    The Magpie - Vault

    • 50 Trillion
    • 100 Trillion
    • 250 Trillion
    • 500 Trillion
    • 750 Trillion
    • 1 Quadrillion

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Income

    • 2.5 Billion
    • 5 Billion
    • 10 Billion
    • 15 Billion
    • 20 Billion
    • 25 Billion
    • 35 Billion
    • 50 Billion

    Seasoned Veteran - Fight Wins

    • 300 Thousand
    • 400 Thousand
    • 500 Thousand

    Survival of the Fittest - Hitlist Kills

    • 20 Thousand
  2. Mini I will Rule

    Mini I will Rule New Member

    This is all very well and good... I doubt that I will be getting any of them soon!

    However, how about some more hitlisting achievements? 250 as the highest? I find that laughable, with all these other achievements.

    Still surprised that we don't have a generic "kills" achievement, nor a "Challenge help" achievement.

    I fear that the hitlist will mainly be of lower level hitlists and UN hitlists... as the higher leveled players would start saving for the quadrillion...
  3. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Thank you for more achievements, but the vault achievements will kill the game. The vault leaderboard isn't bad enough??? Is there anything less fun and productive than saving fake money?? Increase the hitlisting achievement and add one for money spent hitlisting to really spark some good game activity.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  4. domino

    domino Member

    and here have bugs old deposited VAULT do not work. Rich Dad, Poor Dad Achievements too do not work.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    You need to deposit more money in the Vault and increase your Income to get the Achievements to pop if you're over the barrier for one of them. If they don't pop, please report it to Support and we'll take a look at your account! :)
  6. domino

    domino Member

    i have max upgrade in properties and i cant get achievements.
  7. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    I love that there is new achievements and all, ones that aren't going to completed in a matter of days/weeks of them being brought out... bit dissapointed there's no fight/punch kill ones yet though :p
  8. Joseph Crain

    Joseph Crain New Member

    The new achievements are great but I would like to suggest a couple more. How about achievements for number of punch kills and fight kills. I think you should get rewarded for punching other than hardest punch!
  9. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    :D Welcome to the forum
  10. I too would like to see some generic "kills" achievement, and "Challenge help" achievement. UN points would be helpful
  11. unimpressed

    unimpressed New Member

    When you lok at who has the fake money in this game on the leadorboard you then ask why how often do they spend big unles it's you know who becouse they can ride and collect their own bountys and thats done to keep their bountys high.
    certain factions will move the money onto the next member once they achieve it so the money wont go into the game proper and the hitlist will remain dead.
  12. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    This is great new achievements this take a while lol to get them.

    now this : When you lok at who has the fake money in this game on the leadorboard you then ask why how often do they spend big unles it's you know who becouse they can ride and collect their own bountys and thats done to keep their bountys high.
    certain factions will move the money onto the next member once they achieve it so the money wont go into the game proper and the hitlist will remain dead.

    You are talking about (EDU/HM) faction yes the do. Some of EDU/HM hitless the same members in there corporation thats correct. If thats cheating/glitching i don`t know perhaps a ticket will get you more answers.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  13. daddio

    daddio New Member

    maybe y'all should go to the baby needs his bah bah thread lol, HM gets it done like it or not sorry you cant hold our standards... try playin a lil harder?
  14. slave

    slave Member

    i think its great youve added more achievements
    but this is the second time youve added to fight wins

    in the meantime let me continue to pound away on my level 413 clown boss .

    can you hear me now?

    when are the veteran boss achievements coming?
    stop working on one portion of the game and do something for everyone
    maybe you cant see the writing on the wall
    if you cant ask me and ill spell it out for you.

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