As I attack a boss, I watch the amount add up in the feed but after about 5 attacks it just goes back to zero $ I have not been attacked during these times today but I always go 100% before moving on...So far I have at least 4 bosses Lost all the winnings on ~!PS I cannot figure out HOW to post the snapshot~!
Did you heal? Or did the Herbalist autoheal you after a boss attack ( assuming playing on desktop, not app). Both of those actions will consume cash without getting attacked. When I heal or the system heals me, it takes more coin than a handful of attacks on a boss. Amount used would vary based on your total health
I had cash and well over the amount auto heal should use But I watched it disappear . I will take it off the auto but it has never done that before ~!
well when hitting bosses an Healing you do lose a small percentage of your coins keep that in mind!! which it is really nothing to worry about which is common in the kano app games!! cause you can earn triple that amount if you play the Hitlist an try for bounties an don't forget too buy properties an increase your income per hour that will help ya some as well the most
When making a comment on bottom right, upload file button will appear for adding snapshot. Although sometimes it won't for some odd reason, but can also use a image sharer like Imgur and post link in your post.