To the best of my knowledge, the Silverspike is the last Hidden Recipe left to find in Pirate Clan. For some reason, I am getting a bunch of mails asking for the Silverspike recipe. The latest newbie had never posted anything and hadn't even looked at any threads!

Seriously people, I may be a spade (player who spends time looking for secrets, unlocks, and easter eggs) but I am not going to be doing your work for you. I do this for personal enjoyment and the knowledge that I was the one to discover something hidden or at least assist in the discovery.
I, along with several other players, attempt to condense what we know about hidden recipes with the failed combinations that we have tried. This is how I was able to find the Silent Assassin; eventually the hints and trials added up and I got it.
I apologize if this comes out as harsh or rude. I am simply tired of the begging. I do not have hours and hours of free time to spend testing every possible Blacksmith combination. I also play Viking Clan and face the same environment there that I do in Pirate Clan forums.
People have things to do out in the real world: jobs, school, families. Thank you.
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