Can anyone tell me if the attack restrictions have been lifted? I have been attacked consistently since last night by 3 players, two who are at least 900+ lvls ahead of me and one who is 200+ lvls ahead. Not complaining, just would like to know if the rules have changed. Thanks!
were they attacking you or bounty attacking?only way someone that much higher can attack you is if your on bounty or if you attacked them first.
Thats what I thought. Yes I did attack them on bounty but after their retailitory strikes their options to attack me should have been limited. i.e. Dolly Bergljo has 53 attack(s) on you (in 13 hrs) You have 19 atack(s) on Dolly Bergljo (in 12 hrs) btw 11 of my attacks are within the last hour as I was defending myself. Olen Thorblo has 39 attack(s) on you (in 1 day) You have 6 attack(s) on Olen Thorbjo (in 1 day)????
well it always did say careful who you mess with on bounty.i THINK it was changed where highers have a larger retaliation window though im not completely sure on that.
Oh, I can stand the heat or else I wouldnt be in the kitchen! lol! Just looking for some clarity in case I need to change my strategy.
Guess you dont get much of a respone on this forum unless your making personal attacks. Sheesh.........
This is interesting. I think they must have changed something because I can still keep attacking you, after taking your health down a few times
I believe the restrictions on retalitory attacks have been opened up. It use to be you get to return an attack to a lower level until they were severely injured or dead and that's it. Now you can attack til there severely injured and if they heal again it seems you can attack again as the rival page allows for an attack again. I pretty sure this lasts 24 hours of their last attack, as after 24 hours and the oppenent has not attacked back they are removed from the rival page, I'm not sure on the bounty, and how many levels below you can bounty someone. Most likely the 24 hours during you are on someones rival page then they can continue to bounty you, but this is a guess. BTW nice bounty grab and kill yesterday. And so it's personal and I responded I hope my dog shat on your lawn yesterday. LOL
Yeah that was pretty slick there, stole it for me. I did a critical hit and you just took it. Was well done I gotta say
Attack Restrictions >>after i send rival to hospital from rivals page - i find out that its not showing attack on rival when rival is not in hospital >> but when i go to rivals profile than i can still attack him must be 24 hours open attack back after rival hit me first he he
thats actually a great change.low levels can no longer attack a high level without opening themselves up for a full 24hrs.great change,keep them coming.
The retaliation window was changed, before the higher level player would not be able to continue retaliating if they put you in the hospital, that has now been changed to death or 24-hr expiry whatever happens first. This was changed due to lower level out of range plays continuing to chain/anger higher level players and the higher level players would only get 3 or so hits on them before they were in the hospital and out of retaliation range. We may have to add some protection for the lower level players but we wanted to open it up because if you go after the higher level players they should be able to retaliate.
Thank you, good change for the game. Also it seems some attackers are not showing up on the rival page, is this just a temp. glitch? opps, finally is there a range limit on bounties, i.e how many levels lower can one go to bounty someone.
Hmmm not sure, will look into it. We will be making a maintenance change to the rivals where people will lose it in the next couple of weeks, we have been having some issues with it that need to be fixed.