Time for a change

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fatherofanangel, Feb 22, 2014.


Please voice your Opinion

Poll closed Apr 8, 2014.
  1. Agree

  2. Disagree

  3. I am a cheat and dislike this idea

  4. I have a different suggestion

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. This proposal is not open for a finger pointing and accusing people of being alts or cheats. We all have our opinions and knowledge of those. What I am proposing is that we change the wars configurations. I think that this will level the playing field and discourage those who wish to cheat to win or attempt to win. Lets Either change it so that a class A armada can only fight A,B, or C class. Same goes for a B class being able to fight a D class or above. The rest you get the picture. The other option would be to reduce the points you get for attacking Classes outside class levels and you get NO kill bonus points outside of the class levels. I realize that this will affecting everyone including my armada but I think it is fair.
  2. ben

    ben Active Member

    if this was to vote on i would give it a 1 star ...
  3. You have an option to vote, there is a poll. Vote so KANO knows where you stand and can make the correct choices.
  4. CutthroatXnRay

    CutthroatXnRay New Member

    I think this is a solid idea. Another possible change would be a class specific reward. That way the C, D, and E class could get something out of it. Currently, there is no point for them to even play. There is no chance of them winning anything.
  5. I agree but by keeping it so that you get max kill and attack points in your class not offering any kill points outside your class and lowering the attack points outside your classes. This will still help "lower" classes get equal opportunity on over all points.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Disagree, as games go these have no level playing field, as everyone is at a different place in the game, and most have worked hard to get where they are, some just play bare min. and some play hardcore, so just treat it as a game and have fun. If it is not fun for players anymore, then think about finding something else that is .
  7. So if I understand what you are saying, you support the creation of alts for the sole purpose of gaining points. This is totally against TOU. This is supposed game to have fun on I agree with you on but when you have one or two groups that continuously create alts sub-armadas with these alts it is wrong not hardcore playing. Keep the game fun and let those who wish to cheat play "hardcore" play among themselves. Lets not let these "Hardcore" players destroy the game so many of us have been playing for years. What are these "hardcore" players afraid of? Are they afraid of being caught and KANO actually doing something about them or are they afraid of level competition? There is fun then there is cheating, cheating takes the fun out of the game except for the cheaters. I play clean and have fun most of the time.
  8. ben

    ben Active Member

    if you think there is alts then you need to send it to support not here ...
  9. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    How did you get the idea I was in favor of alts or any kind of cheating from my vote. I prob send in more tickets to support than anyone I know ,I should have an express way of sending . I am just not in favor of changing what you are proposing , isn't this what your poll is about. lol that is if you are talking to me, so I say no you are wrong in your understanding. Like Ben said, if you feel that sub armadas are a problem and are filled with alts then send it to support.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
  10. That is being done and KANO is eliminating some of them. I have not pointed any fingers at anyone or called out any suspect alts in this thread. I just simply pointed out that it is happening and it appears to me that some people who want to use alts get upset by me suggesting we keep the game fun. If you are not using alts or wanting to cheat any way possible then you have nothing to worry about. Again I am not saying anyone posting in here is an alt or are using alts but that against TOU and weakens the game.
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    You need to stay on topic for your own poll, and stop leaning into another area. Otherwise your "proposal" is gonna get lost . I voted on your proposal and I voted Disagree, just to clarify
  12. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I actually think this is an interesting idea. I play LCN, Vikings, and Pirates, and not all of my groups are in the top tier, so I have seen first hand what it's like for the D tier. It would be great if the reward structure could be modified, but I can see that it might not be (Kano does not have a history of making changes of this nature). Restricting how far "down" in tiers that you can attack is a good idea, though. Make the top tiers earn their rewards against groups closer to their strength, and not be able to cherry pick on alt groups created for this purpose, or legitimate low tier groups. More than likely, the results won't change (a D tier has almost no chance for any rewards). It will just make things more competitive for the rewards.
  13. Look all I am saying is that there are people using alts in this game and it has been submitted to KANO with 100% proof with admissions and nothing has been done about it. IF KANO is going to allow some to cheat and others not lets level the field somewhere and starting with armada wars is a great place to start. If we do this it could help with stopping most, not all of the alts and cheaters. I am not pointing fingers or calling anyone out just that I have seen KANO turn a blind eye to some of these people. If the playing field is level and you do not want to play in the level playing field than you do not have to play it. It is not a radical change just a great proposed idea. Vote in the poll if you are not afraid to go public on your stance.
  14. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Wait... if I'm a cheat, I have to vote the number 3 choice, right? Rats. I selected the wrong choice, so the results are going to be skewed.
  15. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    LOL Jared :) You ,Mr. Angel, really need to stay on the topic of your proposal and stop bringing cheating into it, you want the rewards to change and you want certain levels to only fight certain levels, and I disagree, it is like the BA everyone regardless of level goes in , anyone can join an armada for the war and then go back to their everyday armada, if they want to get a better reward. That works without changing what Kano as set up, sure they might change the reward and make it more rewarding, I really don't care one way or the other , but to change it cause of low levels, there are always gonna be low levels mid levels and high levels, it is the nature of things, I say deal with it , play it and stop trying to change things to suit your way. just my opinion and you are entitled to yours and we can go round and round but I am going to the gym now :p and no low levels should not get the same reward as someone who has played longer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
  16. If top tiers have to earn there points honestly than the lower levels will actually have a much better chance of being rewarded. If a tier A gets 2500 for a kill of another tier A and 75 points for attacking, The lower tier should get same points for kills on same tier and above. I still think by doing this it will greatly reduce those who get ahead or further ahead by cheating.
  17. LOL thanks Jared now I am going to have adjust the margin of error for this scientific survey.
  18. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    This is going to be off topic, but I can't resist... I have seen cheats in the game, and while some of them are banned, some of them aren't. I myself was banned for the first time in 3 years a couple of weeks ago, and it had nothing to do with gameplay (cheating to gain an unfair advantage, using alts/bots/scripts, etc.) I will let you draw your own conclusions about that. Let's just say that sticks and stones aren't the only thing that will break some players' bones.
  19. ben

    ben Active Member

    i voted disagree ...
  20. Thank you for your votes ben and linda

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